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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What's a good book that has alot of action in it?

Question: What's a good book that has alot of action in it!?
I'm looking for something new to read since I've gone through everything that I own already!. I've read Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, Eragon, and Twilight already!. Can someone think of something else!? I want to branch off a little into more action and sci-fi!. Suggestoins!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've read some good action and sci-fi stuff!. Here are some authors you might enjoy:
Clive Cussler
Jack Du Brul
James Rollins
John Ringo
Lian Hearn

also check out Stephen King's Dark Tower series and Eyes of the Dragon!. Good action/sci-fi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books by Cherry Adair are kinda like action with a little romance!. They have a made up "army" type of group called T-FLAC (at least I think it's made up)!. And they fight like terrorists and stuff!. I like them!. One's like in the desert, another is in a jungle, and another is on an island, and another is in snowy Alaska!. They're pretty cool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read Runemarks by joanne harris, its a lot like the books you listed above and has quite abit of magic and action!. also you will learn a lot about norse mythology!.

I think you will really like it!. ENJOYWww@QuestionHome@Com

Narnia books, much better then Twilight, by far!. His Dark Materials, Pendragon, Lord of the Rings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was going to recommend Maximum Ride :D It's the first book besides Harry Potter I've read in years!.!.!. Try stephen king or tom clancy

Oh yeah ~> Cirque Du FreakWww@QuestionHome@Com

try annihilation
the watercourse trilogy
or any other books by Wizards of the coastWww@QuestionHome@Com

spy high: paranoia plot - aj butcher!. good book, a real page turner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lord of the rings a little bitWww@QuestionHome@Com