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Question: If your thinking about being an author!.!.!.!?
How does it work!? I mean do you write a book, send it to a publisher and if they like it, they publish it!.!.!.and then do they send you money!? Can someone explain how you get paid if I'm wrong!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry this is so long, but!.!.!.
1!. Write a book!.
2!. Do all the revisions necessary to good writing!.
2!.5!. Do NOT copyright this book, not even a copyright symbol next to your name and the year in the header on every page of the copy you always keep at home (on floppy, CD, hard-drive or print-out)!.!.!. that copy you always keep home IS your copyright!.
3!. Get a copy of The Writer's Market, or use one at a public library, where you can either check it out on your card, or, if it's a reference-only book, make notes and also copy pages from the first section only (about how to publish work) on the free library copier!.
4!. Study that section with as much attention and interest as you spent writing and revising your book!.
5!. Practice writing queries and book synopses, as taught in The Writer's Market, in that first section of the book!.
Study that book's examples of 'good' and 'bad' samples of these tools, and read all the tips about them as printed there, given by experts in the field of publishing!.
6!. Write queries (only to agents and/or publishers who take unsolicited queries [they did not ask you for one] --) until you feel you have yours as polished as it can be!.
7!. Send out queries in the manner taught by The Writer's Market!.
8!. Write a book synopsis!. Start with the bare bones of your story, and don't make it fat!. Polish it carefully!.
9!. Only send those out if specifically asked to do so!.
10!. Keep working on publication as suggested by The Writer's Market, principally by checking on the reputations of agents and/or publishers you've sent queries to (and who have responded) through links provided in The Writer's Market!.
11!. Expect rejections; we all get them!.
12!. Say "Yes!" and jump up and down if you get a good agent and/or publisher interested in your synopsis, and, beyond that, in looking at chapters of your book!.
13!. Polish those chapters and send them, if requested, to either an agent (who makes a writer's life a lot easier by knowing the people in that whole business better than writers do) and/or to the publisher, as suggested by The Writer's Market!.
14!. Do not sign any contracts with an interested publisher before going through it with someone you trust and/or a lawyer!.
15!. If the contract flies, you can mentally fly with it, do a little dance, and wait for actual publication, which can often be held up by one of a great many things!. But it will happen if it has been agreed to in a contract and the publisher does not go out of business!. So celebrate!.

You make money first when you sell some form of copyright to the publisher, then from royalties from book sales!.
Good luck with all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many steps even between that, like finding a literary agent to help convince the publishing company of your book, because some won't even give you a chance without an agent!. Before that you have to research what kind of books they publish!. When they accept your book you will receive a percentage of the profit, as will they!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Writer's Market!. You can find it in most public libraries!. That is essentially the steps but read the book and find out the details to sending the book in!.

I also suggest you join a writer's group either online or in person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com