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Question: Twilight Alice Cullen!.!.!?
I have read the Twilight books a couple times but I still don't understand exactly what happened with Alice!.!.!.
Like the asylum & James!.!.!.Please Explain!.!.

<3 KelseyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alice was put in an asylum because she was seeing things!.
In the asylum it was dark and there were crazy people!. If you weren't crazy when you first went there then you would turn crazy!. But one of the workers there took a liking to Alice (his name was not released in the books) he was her friend and a vampire!. Another worker took a liking to her as well but in a different way!. He wanted her blood!. And that person was James!. So James was planning to attack Alice but Alice's friend stopped him before he could by changing Alice into a vampire!. While she was going through the change, instead of killing Alice, James killed the other vampire!. Alice was unable to notice or remember the pain because she was in so much pain already that she didn't really notice a difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK!.!.!. Alice's parents placed her in an asylum because she was seeing things!. James caught a waft of her scent and thought it smelled delicious, she was a "siren" to him like Bella is to Edward, but a third vampire, never named, cared for Alice and changed her before James could catch her in his hunt!. Out of anger, James killed the elder vampire!. And, then, Alice's visions first led her to Jasper and than to the Cullens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea me tooo its kinda confusingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Shes helping out with the wedding!!!
remember!?she loves to plan stuff!Www@QuestionHome@Com