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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anybody else think Catcher in the Rye was garbage?

Question: Anybody else think Catcher in the Rye was garbage!?
I had to read it for summer, and it litteraly got me to hate reading for a little while!. There was so much cursing and him (author) repeating the same stuff over and over again didn't help either!. Me being a teen, I thought I was going to love this book, only to hate it by the time it was finished!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I hated it too, It's a 'trendy' book that teenagers think is cool when they read it, so it gets a lot of hype!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are like his sister!. He said she is like the Indians behind the glass in the museum that never change!. This book had a great deal to do with cultural change in the American 1960's and was controversial because it was read in public schools!. I think it is very entertaining and helps a body to catch a body coming through the rye!. The language and angst is great for appealing to a teen, and the symbolism can entertain an adult!. For an insider; this book uses sexual undertones to explain the plight of a man caught in the downward spiral that the professor fears "!? the hero" is moving towards!. This book exploits his sexual ignorance, and stubborn christian ideals hidden inside of a lot of curse words, and a curious dreamer!. This philosophy justifies the insider in objectifying, outcasting, starving, and should I say, "crucifying" the outsiders!. At the same time; for an outsider caught in society's downward spiral this book says "you are not alone" and that an insider's life is garbage anyway!. It offers insightful, and metaphorical glances at the hypocrisy, prostitution, and cultural garbage that capitalistic society loves, thus giving the outsider a divine message and a superior feeling, while he eats garbage, and looks at an unchanged society through the glass!. Like the salt of the earth, the hero continues to canoe society's downward spiral spiritually unchanged!. After the 1960's and the messages in this book - he is now physically; an object, or a wax Indian behind the glass of their museum!.

This book seems to appeal to boys more than girls, even though they are not the most common readers!.

I like it!.
I recommend Fyodor Dostoyevsky books and short stories for folks who like this kind of literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was a little disappointed when I read it a few weeks ago!.

I see a lot of questions on here about Catcher, so I decided to read it and find out what the hype was about!. It was okay, but I thought 'Cannery Row' by Steinbeck was a much better example of laid-back, ordinary but unique characters!. I was hoping for more!. If I'd never heard of the book I might have enjoyed it, but I expect a lot from famous books!.

If you think that was bad, try 'Tess of the D'Urbevilles' by Thomas Hardy!. You'll beg to be allowed to read Catcher instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, let me say that I love The Catcher In the Rye and have for, well, a really, really long time!.

Second, I want to go against the tide here and say that if you don't like Catcher when you read it first as a teen, then you probably won't like it 5 years later either!. Maybe 25 years later, I don't know!.

Third, it's OK!.
Catcher is considered to be a great book for a lot of reasons, but none of us are ever going to love every great book!. It's good that you've read it!. It gives you a familiarity with cultural references and it's important to have these things in our lexicon!. Personally, I hate The Great Gatsby and yet I keep reading it, in order to try to change my own mind, to no avail!. I do not in any way regret my knowledge of it though, because many other things refer to it!.

Finally, even though you hated it you have to admit it provoked a strong reaction in you!. Try to bear in mind that that means it must have had something to say, even if you didn't like what that something was!. We don't have to love everything which helps us to grow and learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When people say older, do they mean mid-twenties!? Or should I read it again when I'm 40!? Though I just have a feeling it's not going to get better with age!.
I read it just a few months ago, and I thought it was crap!. It could be because I was expecting a lot from it, but still!. It was boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same, I wasn't impressed either!. I guess it went over my head:-) While I don't read much American literature, I enjoyed The Bell Jar, The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men much more, perhaps you should give them a try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it!.!.thought it was going to be deep and life changing!.!.!.
Not so much!.!.it was pretty boring!.!.

I found "The Chrysalids" to be a more amazing book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Re-read it when you are older!.

I'm not saying that you'll love it - but it is considered one of !.!.!. if not THE !.!.!. 20th century comment on teenage disenfranchisement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the book!. The narrative just astounded me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a Classic!.!.!.one of my Favorite books!.!.!.as the first poster said!.!.!.re-read it when you are older!. Read "Lord of the Flies"Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was a bit annoying when he kept repeating 'phoney' but it wasn't that bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com