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Question: Annoying twilight fans!?!?
isn't it pathetic that these people that read the twilight books get really obsessed with making everyone like it!
they even call themselves "mrs edward cullen" or what ever his name is!.
what do you think of them and the books!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes it is!. That's why I firmly believed they laced the books with heroine or something and that's why people are so addicted!. Personally I can understand people liking a book but not being this obsessed!. Its words on paper and ink that's it!. Whats scary is that girls are literally falling in love with Edward and he is a fictional character!. At that point you need to step away from the book and get to know some real boys!.

I have made 30+ dollars because my boyfriend suggested that he would give me a dollar for every twilight question I see on here!. It started around 1 AM and I went to bed at !:30 with 6 dollars!. Since I have gotten back on I have made more than 24 dollars and my bf is kicking himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They can be annoying but the fact that they break so many rules on the books and authors section is more annoying to me

Its good to see more people reading but if they want to ask silly questions that do not relate to the book but relate to their obsession then go to a fansite for that stuff!. I'm sure they wouldn't get put down there for asking " Edward or Jacob!?"

YES Twilight fans have a right to talk about it but you do not have a right to flood the books and authors section with random fan questions that really really have nothing to do with understanding the book better!. They are just questions posted for your randoms thoughts about the books!. None of us have that right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sort of agree with you!.
When I read the first book, I thought that it was an interesting concept and read the rest of them just for the sake of seeing what happens and finnishing the series and i sort of got addicted!.

NOW, when people start making it all about one FICTIONAL character, it becomes a little irritating, but i think that its just mostly young girls who are looking for their knight in shining armor/ heartthrob sort of thing!. its kind of annoying cuz it sort of demeans the rest of us who read the book because now everyone associates twilight fans with squeeling little tweens!.

However, I guess we just have to respect that the book appeals to different people for diferent reasons, so we cant really take that away from them!. It is a pretty good series and the guy DOES sort of represent the "perfect guy" in a general way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look, I understand how you feel!. It gets really annoying how everyone posts Twiight questions on here, but they have a right to do so jsut as much as you have a right to question it!. If they want to be obsessed with it that's there choice, 90% of htem are teenagers who are into that kind of stuff and do get obsessed with it!. Leave them alone, and if they like it, who are you to question it, everyone has diferent tastes!. And I have read them, but am most definately NOT obsessed!. I hate them, sorry to all you fans, but they are SUPER annoying!.!.!.TO ME!!!!!!! but I still read tehm, they're addicting, what can I say!? There are plenty of worse things for kids to be addicted to!. I say that books are better than drugs/alcohol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

-!.- Thanks!.
I really like these books!. Stephenie Meyer is an amazing author, and I love the stories she's written!. It's okay to count the seconds until Breaking Dawn, it's okay to squeal over a fictional character!. It's all in the fun!.
But I do understand what you mean, some things are being taken to far!. I've honest to god seen friendships being broken between Jacob and Edward!.
But, this has happened with Harry Potter too!. So, really, it's not the books fault!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i do love the books myself!.!.!.im not like a crazy fan but yea i do love them
for Harry potter is was the same way and it's not the book fault or the author and yes i do love stephanie meyer and J!.K!. rowling they r both excellent
the only thing dat annoys me is when my fight got in a fight wit me cuz she was team jacob and im team edward!.!.!.but it doesnt even matter dat much cuz u hv to hv a reality check they r fictional but they r awesum
and most ppl by the way do no dat they r fictional and they still luv themWww@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed reading the Twilight books!. They're pretty basic, nice when you want to read, but don't want to put too much thought into what is actually happening!.

It does, however, annoy me when people try to make it seem like Stephenie Myers is some kind of god, and Edward Cullen is the greatest thing ever!. There are some people who just need to chill!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read twilight and I;m not obbsessed and what is your problem if you don;t liek theses people ok big whoop but you don't have to start putting some stupid question on what do YOU think on these annoying fan people your annyoing too and i can call you just as obbsessed because you carte so much about the people reading these books!. The "mrs cullens" or whatever they call themselves can do whatever they like it;s their life and can do whatsoever they want!. YOU just need to get over it!. GET A LIFE and stop posting dumb questions like thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't care on a personal level whether or not they want to go and get obsessed with the book!. (As far as I'm concerned, anything that promotes a love of reading is OK in my book!.)

HOWEVER!.!.!.it is extremely annoying to see the ranting that goes on on here about it, and the completely pointless and repetitive questions!. What's annoying is the fact that people seem to be under the impression that this is some sort of Twilight fan forum!. There are hundreds of Twilight fan forums out there, so they need to stop treating Yahoo Answers Books & Authors section as if it's one of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Though I don't like Twilight (yes, i have read it), I suppose I can understand why preteen girls love it!. It's like a fairy tale, basically, because that would never happen in real life!. What they don't realize is that calling themselves "Mrs!. Edward Cullen" only embarrasses them!. I laugh every time I see that that's someone's name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha im kinda offended, i guess im kinda twilight fan :)
u noe the book is actually really good??
but umm!.!."mrs edward cullen"!?!? dats just kinda stupid!.!.no offense!.!.!.
i dont think its not pathetic at all, but depending on which type of fans ur talking abt
ur friends there are pretty over!.!.
my friends just get really obsessed and excited while reading it, but we dont really talk abt it later!.
i really like the series, but it still depends!.
most of my friends just absolutely love it (still not obsessed as ur friends!.haha)
but i do have this one friend who thinks the book is just "!.!.ok"
but it is getting a little annoying, that absolutely EVERYONE is reading the books!.
at first, i wasnt interested in the book at all at, simply cus i wasnt interested in sum stupid vampire thing!. but i can asure u that it's no typical vampire story, its a rather amazing book!.
there is a reason why the book is so popular, with so many addicted fans!.
u noe what!? i think u shud try reading it, maybe you'll change ur opion!. and im not making u like it or anything,

its ur choice
good luck :)

ummmm whoaa, i think u really hate the book, since ive read ur added details, nvm the reading the book then!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

alright here's the deal, i am a twilight fan!.
not completely and utterly obesessed, but a fan!.
i love it, its probably one of the best books i've read!.
and its a free country, so as much as you have the right
to talk about how much you dislike it, we have the same right
to talk about how much we like, and yes, we like to talk about it!.


Do you think it really matters if you post a question like this or not!.
People are still going to be obsessed with Twilight!.
It's getting out of hand!.
If you don't like the book then fine nicely say so but making fun of people is very low
"isn't it pathetic that these people that read the twilight books get really obsessed with making everyone like it!"

thats pretty low what are you in like grade 5!?
wait no i've seen 5th graders with better manners!.

this is yahoo answers! those people who think edward is real and fight over who is better, edward or jacob, should get a fansite!.

they have to find a hobby, seriously!. instead of fawning over fictional characters!.
the book is good, but the annoying fans are making it a little boring


the twilight books IS a godd series!. i've recommended it for a few people and they all like it too!. truthfully, i think t's annoying when they fight over if he's real and who he belong's too, but you shouldn't diss a book and the effects it has on people unless you've read it yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they're little immature teenies!. I find it rather pathetic that they are obsessed with a fictional character from a book!. There are a lot of intelligent books for teenagers to read, and Twilight isn't one of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I think being married to a book is kind of !.!.!. unusual!. I prefer men living and breathing!. But then again there is that old song !.!.!. Love the One You're With, right!? And when a book is all you have !.!.!. I guess your options are kind of limited!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love the Twilight series!. Lots of people do, and that's okay!.
Yes some of the fans can get extreme with their obsession, but not all people who like the books do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


get a life!.

your just as obssesed cause
you just wasted 5 points on
asking a question related too

ooohhh go put a band-aid on that burn (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good books!. If kids want to be passionate about it then let them be!. I'm sure there could be a lot worse things that kids could be getting obsessed with!. And there reading!. So I don't see anything wrong it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It really just pisses me off that Yahoo isn't moderating this better!.

Give them their own damn section to be idiots if necessary!.

DO YOU HEAR ME, YAHOO MODS!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

All kids get obsessed with overrated things and eventually grow upWww@QuestionHome@Com

ur question isnt much better than theirs!. make it a real question like we tell them to!. u guys r just as annoying!.

dont think i like twilight!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.i dont!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mrs!. Edward Cullen, and Edward's my brad of Heroin!, yeah, they're annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

personally, I think the books are really over-rated!.!.!.!.
I didn't like Twilight all that much!.!.!.!. it was ok!.!.!.!.!.
but way too gushy!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's not pathetic, but I don't really understand it!. It'd be nice if maybe people would stop and check out the other questions before asking a new one, since every other question is Twilight related on here!. That, or find an actual forum dedicated to the series!. Better yet, I'm just going to start ignoring anything Twilight related from now on!.

I like the first book - I really, really enjoyed it!. The other two!? Not so much!. The further I got into the series, the more I realized that I didn't like the main character or any of her motivations!. Her relationship with Edward (whose character bores me) is unhealthy and kind of creepy!. She threw herself off of a cliff so she could hear his voice in her head!. She became nearly catatonic for months after he broke up with her, til she latched onto Jacob!. Her clumsiness isn't endearing or cute at all, maybe because it's so over done (like a lot of things in the series!.!. like how god-like and gorgeous and omg!handsome Edward is)!. It's sadly funny!.

The only thing that saved the second and third books for me was Jacob's character - I like his personality and Bella became a bit more bearable around him!. By the time I finished Eclipse, I was left feeling irritated and disappointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah just like its pathetic when people waste there breath talking about how immature twilight fans are when really it ain't going to change our minds about twilight!.!.Shame we're annoying you and we will continue to do sooo!.!.!.!.


Jeez!.!. you peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Whats pathetic is that you took the time and points to ask this question! Why do you care so much, unless your obsessed too and too much of a coward to admit it!.!.!.!.Whats it to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com