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Question: Fruits Basket: Where do I continue on from!?
I just finished watching all 26 episodes of Fruits Basket, and now I want to read the manga!. Which book is the ending of the episodes!? Book 7 or something!? I need to know where I should continue on reading from the 26th episode!. Thanx!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well the anime ends with book 6!. You would start reading book 7!. I highly reccomend that you read the whole series though, because they omit a lot of important things in the anime!. I was just rereading the series after watching the anime, and I realized that some things that are vital to understanding the manga series were left out in the anime!. even though the anime was book 1-6, I highly reccomend reading the manga from the beginning if you want to get the most out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com