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Question: HELP!! Need help with a decent story idea on a short story premise I have come up with!?
Why did the man walk away from everything and everyone he loved!?

Need to involve an older tattooed guy, very inot motorcycles private guy with a hermit like quality who doesn't trust anyone easily and his paths cross with someone or something that makes him not walk away from something or someone ever again!.!.!.!.!.

Looking for a story idea that involves ordinary folks in very dire odd extraordinary circumstances!.!.!.!.

I would appreciate any help you guys could answer me with!. Thanks a big bunch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try asking storymash!.com, it's a community that specializes in collaborative fiction, so they might help you write the story, just for fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Assuming that you're wanting to combine all of these ideas, I'm going to list a few things that come to mind when I see these things and try to mesh them together!.
Note: I'm going to call the man who walked away from everything John and the old tattooed man Eddie, just to simplify things!.
-John(age 18) has a gifted mind for understanding mechanics and reads every mannuel he can get his hands on!. He only has friends through his favors where he fixes many things around houses and cars!. He grows to love cars and a particular girl who he's too awkward to approach!. He sees her brother, Sam, get murdered where he runs away!. He meets Eddie on the side of the road!. They agree to help each other, Eddie gives him a ride and John will work for Eddie at his shop!. John keeps track of what's going on with Sam's murder and Eddie still sometimes stare at a picture for a long time!. John tells him to visit the girl in the picture, but Eddie says she never forgave him for killing her brother some decades ago!. With one another's help, they come to terms with their fears and part!. John testifies and Eddie finds his long lost _____ (make her, or he if you prefer, whoever you want!.)
I don't know if that's any help, but maybe it'll give you an idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com