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Question: Breaking Dawn Spoilers!?
Please tell me everything! Don't hold back I beg of you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Author Stephenie Meyer has not yet released specific details on the storyline of the novel, but she has stated that it will be the last of the series to be written from Bella's perspective!. An excerpt from Breaking Dawn was released on May 31, 2008, in the special edition release of Eclipse!. This excerpt was later revealed to be entitled "Engaged" in a recent internet leak!. Meyer recently announced (while touring in Germany) that this book in the series was inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream and another novel that she has not yet revealed!.

The first chapter, entitled "Engaged", starts off a few days before the wedding while Edward is off hunting!. Bella is driving a new flashy sports car, a Mercedes-Benz s600 Guardian, that Edward has given her because her old '53 Chevy has finally died!. She stops at a gas station where two men admire her car and tell her that the car hasn't been released in the United States or Europe yet!. When she arrives home, Bella stays in her car and uses the cell phone Edward gave her to call Seth Clearwater, the werewolf who has developed a friendship with Edward after their fight with Victoria, to ask how Jacob Black is doing!. Seth tells her that Jacob, who has remained in his wolf form for weeks, is somewhere in Northern Canada and that he is not coming home!. Bella sulks with this knowledge and then has recollections of the night when she told Charlie about her engagement!. When Bella had finally plucked up the courage to tell her father, Charlie automatically assumed Bella was pregnant, and laughed hysterically when he realized how Bella's mother would react!. Bella also notes that she was utterly shocked when her mother also took the news very well and immediately offered to help with the wedding plans!. When Bella comes home Alice is fitting Charlie into his tuxedo for the wedding, and states that it is Bella's turn!. While she is being fitted by Alice, Bella goes to her "happy place" to think about her love for Edward and how wonderful their honeymoon together will be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all- someone who Bella loves is going to come close to killing her!.
I'm guessing it's either Edward, who is enjoying her blood a bit too much while trying to change her, or Jacob coming after Bella after she is changed!.
Second, they are getting married, and it's a big town event that causes gossip, as most people think that Bella is pregnant with Edward's child!.
Breaking Dawn should feel complete- there will be some fill-in-the-blanks here and theere, but overall, the story should be wrapped up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a website to amazon!.!.!.!.
There is this advertisment thingy on the bottom that
is a interview of Stephenie Meyer!. Click on the play button and enjoy!


breakingdawnchapterone!.piczo!.com has the whole first chapter and daily quotes!. don't forget to sign the comment box!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ooh seriously!? Bella and Jacob!? !.!.!.!.interesting!. Can't wait! I wonder what will happen!.!.!. I already have some ideas but i dont want to sprain my fingers writing them again!. I feel like I've writen a novel myself just tonight from typing too much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chuck Norris crashes the wedding party and breaks Edward's neck with a roundhouse kick!. Bella gets upset and commits suicide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella will marry ed!. become a vamp!.
kill jacob!.
then kill all of forks!.

stop asking stupid questionns!.
noone knows what will happen!.
not even her brother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

4 dollars =)

Bella will be her normal annoying self and go into an angsty Oh woe is me phase for about 400 pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella & Edward tell Charlie they are getting married in the first chapter !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella and jacob will be the narrators nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh My!!! I couldn't stay away from this question but i'm tooo afraid to look at the answers xD So can't waittt!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com