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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you think the series "His Dark Materials" would be too long for rea

Question: Do you think the series "His Dark Materials" would be too long for reading to my 6 year old!?
HP kept her attention!. Read 20 minutes at a time, 2 times a day!.
I haven't bought them yet, should I bother pre-reading them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe !.!.!. but perhaps it would be better if you waited a year or two!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pullman's series is much more suited to older children!. The children in the books are aged about 11 and 12, and that seems to me to be an appropriate age for a child to read them!.

Yes, you'll want to pre-read them no matter what age your child is!. The author has stated that his intention was to write a fantasy series that was atheistic in nature to encourage children to question the existence of God!. In fact, one of the story lines is that there is a war in heaven and the angel who set himself up to be the "god" character gets killed!. Some children at this preteen age and even into their teen years will never pick up on the atheistic themes!. Other children will!. You'll want to be ready to discuss these themes with your child if she does have questions!.

Personally, I found the books to be only moderately interesting!. The story lines that pertained to the "killing God" plot were actually boring!. I can understand why some religious parents might be concerned if their child wanted to read these books, but frankly I couldn't see anything in them that would truly affect a child's beliefs!. Again, pre-read and be ready to discuss with your child what you do and don't believe and why the books do or don't have any influence on readers' beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would pre-read them, if I were you, especially if your family are active Christians!. Many people are uncomfortable with the anti-God theme that tends to run through the books!. If you read it first, then you'll be prepared to discuss any questions your 6 year old might have, instead of struggling with surprise questions in the middle of reading!

I have to admit, "Dark Materials" was not my favorite series -- I read the whole thing, but I found it to be somewhat unsatisfying, disregarding the "anti-God" aspect!. I could deal with that -- it's just a different perspective -- but I could never completely enter the "Dark Materials" world, like I do with other fantasy books!. I know a lot of people love them, but *shrug*, they just never appealed to me, and I read a LOT of fantasy and science fiction!.

Consider "Lord of the Rings" -- we were reading that to our son when he was 4, and he LOVED them -- lots of action and adventure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it would take a while to get through, it might get a little philosocphical for a six years, they just arn't introduced to the matter brought up yet!.i would suggest you read them first, because i'm an avid book reader, but all the connections and plot threads got a bit tedious for me, i'm i'm way older than six!. HP to me would seem a bit easier than this trilogy, even though they were bigger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't too long, but there's a lot of violence, and some references/allegories about sexuality that might be a bit mature for her!. also, and probably more importantly, although I don't think the length would bore her, but some of the heavy metaphysical and philosophical stuff would - they're definitely books for teenagers and adults!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!. no if they were fine with HP I see no reason why, but the story line of His Dark materials is just that, darker and probably a bit too much for a 6 year old!. You can do what you like but, that book I would intentionally wait till they were older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It might be a little to intense for a six year with some of the subject matter in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My 11yo son informs me that this series is "kind'a intense and becomes violent at some points!. He thinks you should wait a little with this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The books are a little intense and fairly complex in plot!. My six-year-olds liked 'The Hobbit'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kinda heavy reading for a six year old, isn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com