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Question: What are some good books for teenage girls!?
I mean books with maybe a little bit of a romance essence to them!. Not sappy or anything!. If you have ever read the book "Lost it" or "Baby Girl" those kind of books would be good!. Maybe books that have a teen pregnancy or something!. But books that a teen girl would like!. I am going to Barnes and Noble this week for a book spree (I know, I am a nerd) But thanks for the help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sorry i don't have the authors but you can google these books cause they r all good so have fun reading

the host
the truth about Truman school
wish u were here
pretty face
a little friendly advice
the year my sister got lucky
shes so money
the missing girl
the comeback season
how not to be popular
summer intern
let sleeping dogs lie
fake boyfriend
twilight series
the terrible glorious year i truly lost it
my most excellent year
blood and chocolate
13 little blue envelopes
define normal
go ask Alice
double identity
just listen
truth and forever
lock and key
this lullaby
that summer
keeping the moon
shopaholic series
can you keep a secret
remember me
Anna KareninaWww@QuestionHome@Com


gossip girl-s
the it girl-s
size 12 isn't fat-s
Pretty little liars-s
a list-s
sweet 16
princess and the pauper
lucky t
Megan meade's guide to the mcgowan boys
the au pairs-s
queen of babble-s
how to be popular
pants on fire
Getting lost with boys
waking up to boys
the perfect boy
the secrets of boys
the truth about forever
just listen
lock and key
the host
twilight(you've prob read it already)
13 little blue envelopes
The Bermudez Triangle
The Key to the Golden Firebird

if you want more suggestions
just email me
good luck =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love buying books too- so i guess im a nerd too lol!.
anyway these are some of my favs
Before I die (really really good)
dont you dare read this Mrs!. Dunphrey
Cathys book
make lemonade
go ask alice
it happned to nancy (alos really good)
story of a girl (really good)
Define Normal
dreamland (one of my fav books, super good!)

if you need more e-mail meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mm!. Anything written by Sarah Dessen!. My personal favorites are: Just Listen, The Truth about Forever, and Keeping the Moon!. Someone Like You has teen pregnancy!.

I really like the book To Catch a Pirate!. It's rather short, but enjoyable!.


"I mean books with maybe a little bit of a romance essence to them"

DEFINITELY Twilight! It's amazing - I couldn't put the book down when i first read it!. Its great and i know lots of teenage girls have an obsession with the books like myself :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

gossip girl
it girl
the sisterhood of traveling pants (4th book has something about pregnancy)


look at these questins for answers!.!.!.

>good luck though<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Gossip Girl books are great
i like the Pendragon books
A Child Called It, The Lost Boy, A Man Named Dave (same author, same guy)Www@QuestionHome@Com

House of Night: Marked, Betrayed, and Chosen (three books in the series but more to come!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the A-list
Summer Boys (the series!.)
these are really good books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

New Moon
In that order ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com