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Question: Any awesome books about!.!.!.!?
I'm really interested in The Russian Revolution and English Monarchy (ex: The Tudors) and I was wondering if anyone knew any good books (fiction or non-fiction) about either of those!.

I plan to read The Other Boleyn Girl!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You might enjoy a few of the following titles, it's been a long time since I read most of them, but I remember them as good!.
I'm going to stick with the Russians, I'm stronger on them!.

Nicholas and Alexandra ~ Robert K!. Massie
(He has other books on Russian aristocracy as well!.)
Catherine the Great ~ Henri Troyat
The Kitchen Boy ~ Robert Alexander
The Last Tzar ~ Edvard Radzinsky

You may also be interested in these novels:

Doctor Zhivago ~ Boris Pasternak
We the Living ~ Ayn Rand
The First Circle ~ Alexander Solzhenitzyn!.

Not revolution related, but great Russian books:

War and Peace and Anna Karenina ~ Leo Tolstoy

I just had to throw those in there, because I love them!.

Def read The Other Boleyn Girl it's soo good!. That same author Phillipa Gregory has a bunch of other great books!.
The Queens Fool
The Constant Princess( which is about Katherine of Aragon, who is Henry's first wife before Ann Boleyn convinces him to divorce her)
Wideacre, The Favored Child and Meridon are a trilogy and it's very good!.
also The Lady in the Tower by Jean Plaidy which is also about Ann BoleynWww@QuestionHome@Com

For the English monarchy, Jean Plaidy (who also wrote as Victoria Holt and Philippa Carr) wrote a long series of novels about almost every English monarch (and a few Scottish ones) down through Queen Victoria!. Some she took two or three novels to cover; some she even wrote about twice, decades apart!. Norah Lofts and Margaret Campbell Barnes also each wrote quite a few biographical novels about queens, mostly English!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Margaret George and Alison Weir write historical ficiton that I like!. I enjoyed the books by Alison Weir about the Tudors (The Life of Elizabeth I, The Six Wives of Henry VIII, Henry VIII: The King and His Court, among others)!. I also liked The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers by Margaret George!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the Russian Revolution, I suggest Doctor Zhivago!. I am just guessing though that the movie I am talking about was based on an actual novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like Mary, Bloody Mary!. It was very depressing, but it was still entertaining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com