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Question: The host!? (by: Stephenie Meyer)!?
What is it about!? and Do you like it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I liked it a lot!

It takes place when Earth has been invaded by a peaceful species that take over the minds of their hosts while leaving their bodies intact!. Most people have given in, but their is still some resistance from some!.
Melanie is one of those humans and when she ends up getting captured, her body is given to Wanderer (an alien) but Melanie refuses to leave, and stays in her head !. Wanderer learns the challenges of living inside a human—the overwhelming emotions and senses, the vivid memories, etc!.

Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions and memories of the man Melanie loves—Jared, a human who still lives in hiding!. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer yearns for a human that she should be turning over!. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on search for Jared!. I don't want to give too much more away, but although some people call it Sci-fi, that's not what the main focus is!.!.!.it's really about what it's like to be human!. I think you should give it a shot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The host is about these aliens who are taking over earth y possesing our bodies!. Then one, (the main character) posses a body who refuses to give up her mind, the alien falls in love with the original love of the body!. It's messed up and it was really good till it started to get REALLY romantic in the last hundered or so pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a lot more Sci-fi than twilight but a lot of people say they like it more!.
I think it is a lot more well written than Twilight and i enjoyed it just as much!. Yeh its a long book, obviously fiction and at times a little bit far fetched but i think that you could possibly relate to some of the characters!.
Overall i would defiently recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I have and it stunk!. The first 3 - 400 pages were so boring that they could replace ambien!. Any author who can't hook you on the first chapter isn't worth bothering with!.

The story is basically Twilight - two guys chasing one girl - with one VERY small sci fi twist!. A lot of it was just plain stupid!. Like when you want to heal a wound, you put powder on it from a jar marked "Heal"!. Duh!. There were plot holes the size of third world countries!. And the ending was so hokey and predictable that it was laughable!. It was a stinker and not at all the so called "adult book" promised by the author!. Just more of the same!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's about a Soul in a humn "host" body, but the previous owner refuses to fade away!. It shows the relationship between the soul, Wanderer, and the human mind, Mel!. I loved it, couldn't put it down!. I recommend you read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!. I saw it in the book store the other day and was wondering the same thing!. I didn't have time to read the back, so I'm still lost on what it's about!. lol i'll look it up!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's about spirits who take over the human race, but there are still some 'wild humans' who are free of them!. the main character has a spirit in her but it can't control her!. They start to work together to find someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

holy crap!. if i explain it, youde think it would be weird,so i wont, but you do need to read it! the first 100 pages are kinda boring, but after that, its sooooooooo addicting!. soo yeah read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never read it, it stinks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com