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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is the book "New Spring" by robert jordan worth reading?

Question: Is the book "New Spring" by robert jordan worth reading!?
ive read the other wheel of time books!. just wondering about that oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am not going to say that you shouldn't read it, just that it doesn't advance the story (or rather, advance the story before the story contained in the rest of the Wheel of Time books)!. It provides some of the neat cultural aspects we haven't quite seen yet, but for all that it made me terribly sad!. Moiraine (as well as a lot of other Aes Sedai) played a huge part in this book, and it makes me sad to read anything about her anymore!. I miss Moiraine!. It is written in Jordan's typical style, so if you've liked his writing so far you will enjoy this!. You will certainly lose nothing in the process of reading it, and I still like to be enveloped in Jordan's fantastic world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com