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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What can I do to improve my concentration while I write?

Question: What can I do to improve my concentration while I write!?
I do some creative writing, but I get most of my ideas while I'm at my job!. Since I run loud machines, I can't just stop what I'm doing to jot down ideas, or use a tape or digital recorder!. Once I'm home, all my ideas fly away and my mind goes blank!. Any suggestions on what I can do to regain my focus and concentration when I'm in front of my computer at home!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Piracetam - it's cheap and really gets the creative juices flowing!. It's safe too!.


Look into learning some mnemonic techniques!. These are simple mental tricks you can use to remember all kinds of things!. One such is technique is "method of loci" or the "memory palace"!. It takes some practice, but it's extremely useful!. (See link below!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

when something crops up, look at your finger and think of that ideas, when you come home, look at that finger where you post that message mentally, it will help to remember, trust me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com