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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think of "Twilight" The movie?

Question: What do you think of "Twilight" The movie!?
From the scenes we've seen (including the new ones from Penelope) what do you guys think!? Will it be a Blockbuster!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's going to be awesome!. I think they settled for Robert Pattinson as Edward because he has that granite-hard-as-rock-looking-face and a killer smile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I think it will undoubtedly be a blockbuster, simply because of the hype and cult-like following that twilight has (i'll admit!.!.!. I'm a member of that following!)!.

But, while I have faith in Robert Pattinson's portrayal of Edward, I'm a little worried about Kristen Stewart's Bella!. I don't really know how well she has portrayed the character in the scenes I've seen (though that is simply a personal opinion b/c of the vision I had of Bella in my mind!.!.!.)!. However, the most recent scene released in Penelope have me convinced that the movie will be good!. I absolutely love the scene before they jump out the window!. It had me and my friend laughing and nearly squealing on the phone!.!.!. and we don't usually act like that, really!.!.!. we're not even in High School anymore! Haha, so I think that if the clips can have that sort of excitement, I think the movie will most definately be good!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the teaser trailer was a bit fake and i didn't like it but it was all raw footage that they used in it so I'm not really letting it put me off!. I actually liked the scene in the ballet studio and on the Field trip and thought they were great! I think the Kristin is just right for Bella she seems to have the right attitude and looks great in my opinion!. I do like Robert as Edward but from what Ive seen of him in the scenes he just doesn't seem to fit the part but I'm still confident he will be good!. I am soooo going to see the moviei still think i would even if the all the scenes were terrible!.

and it better be a blockbuster!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Funny! You should be a stand up comedian, you'd make BIG money!.

No, it will not be a blockbuster!. Twilight was a stinker as a book in the first place!. The movie producers KNEW that, so they changed the the book completely, and it still didn't work out!. They knew they could take a whole lot out of the book, they did, and I applaud them for that!. (Most of the book is meaningless, I could skip 50 pages and still know what's going on!.)

I studied movies and wrote a few scripts!.


I love Cedric Diggory - don't know the actor's name, I just know he's that super cute guy in Harry Potter 4!.!.!. he's a perfect Edward!.
And I love Sharkboy - don't know the actor's name either!.!.!. he's a perfect Jacob, but he probably won't appear in the Twilight movie until sequel #2!.
So, at least for the casting, they got it right so far!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight will be the BEST movie ever, in my opinion!. Maybe under Harry Potter but it will deffinitely be up on the charts!. I think they've done a great job choosing the cast!. I can't picture any else portraying the part of Bella (Kristen Stewart) & Edward (Robert Pattinson!!) I'll have to say some of the scenes aren't the same as the book but the director explained they'd have to change a couple of things which sucks!. But I know I'll still love it anyways!. Oh geez, it better be a Blockbuster!.!.

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 20 more days from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I already hate this movie!.
too many things unlike the book!.
and they add to much extra in, the book was in bella's perspective, so I think they should have waited to make it until midnight sun was released so they had more of stephenie's ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I do not think it will be a Blockbuster!. Now are you aware that YA has a MOVIE section and that questions about MOVIES are supposed to be posted in the correct section according to Guidelines!? Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

come on, its TWILIGHT!. obviously, with whatever characters and screenplays, its still gonna rock!

ppl who haven't read the book might not like it but those who have will, of course , and mark my words, this thing is gonna be a hit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This belongs in the Movie section!.

Edit: I think it's funny that people like Pax-c and I have thumbs down!. You asked for opinion, so accept it, for those of you that don't like it, tough, we don't like your opinions, but we're dealing with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HECK YES!!! it has to be!.!.!. think of all the teenage girls going to see the first possible showing they can!.!.!. i think it is a given!.!.!. I am about 95% sure every twilight fan will see it and am about 99% sure we will get everybody to go see it with us!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It going to be good!. But talking out the beach scene was kinda stupid, I mean that scene was the reason she found out Edward was a vampire and foreshadowing the whole second book!. That okay, I guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. The movie will be to boring for it to be a blockbuster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com