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Question: What does the story "Kira Kira" about!?
This book is in my summer reading list and I thought it would be much better if I already knew what the story is about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the start of the novel, Katie, her older sister Lynn (whom she calls Lynnie), and their parents are living in Iowa and own an Asian foods store!. When the store goes out of business (there are hardly any Asians in Iowa), the family moves to an apartment home in Georgia where Katie's parents can work at a hatchery with six other Japanese families!. Lynnie is Katie's best friend who was known for being remarkably intelligent--she can beat her Uncle Katsuhisa at chess!.

As the plot progresses, Katie enters school, earning C's throughout (which her father says stands for consistency)!. A new member of their family, Katie and Lynn's little brother, Sammy, is introduced, and Lynn earns a new best friend from her beauty, a popular, self-centered girly-girl named Amber, and a boy named Gregg!. Katie finds that Amber is changing Lynn in a way she doesn't like!.

In between, Lynn becomes sick with anemia!. Amber (who Katie thought was phony anyway) dumps her as a friend, which causes the family to take out a loan and buy a house Lynn desired!. The house seemed to be curing Lynn, until Sammy gets caught in a metal animal trap on Mr!. Lyndon's (owner of the hatchery) vast property during a picnic one day, distressing her!.

Lynn slowly progresses to become blank and irritable!. Eventually Katie is told by her parents that Lynn has lymphoma!. When Katie looks lymphoma up in the dictionary she discovers that Lynn could die!.

The year Katie is eleven, Lynn dies, alone on New Year's day, when Katie goes outside for a break shortly after caring for her!. After her death, Katie realizes why Lynn had taught her the word kira-kira, she wanted to remind her to always look at the world as a shining place and to never lose hope!. One day, Katie's parents say "Let's go on a vacation" and Katie recommends California because Lynn always wanted to go to California!. The family arrives and while Katie is lying on the beach, she could hear Lynn's voice in the wind "kira-kira"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kira-Kira is a novel about a young Japanese girl, Katie Takeshima, growing up in the late 1950s and early 1960s!. Though she lives in a volatile time, she is oblivious to everything around her except the security of her family's love!. That cocoon of love is slowly shattered, however, beginning with a move that takes her family from the familiar cornfields of Iowa to Georgia!.

At five, Katie believes Georgia is a foreign land where everyone speaks with such a strong southern accent that she will never be able to understand a word they have to say!. Imagine her surprise when, within a few short months, she finds herself speaking with that same thick accent as though she had been born there!.

Life is much different in Georgia for Katie and her family!. In order to save for!.!.!.!.!.

IT IS SUCH A GOOD BOOK!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the story kira kira is about a japenease girlWww@QuestionHome@Com