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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I know ive already asked, but can you help me think of a book title and anem for

Question: I know ive already asked, but can you help me think of a book title and anem for my book!?!?!?
I need a title for my book!?!?!?!?!? pelase help!!?
its about a girl, 14, who accidently discovers a fantasy realm ( she finds a portal in her woods)!.!.!.while shes in the real m trying to find her way back, she gets cursed!.!.!.!.the next day she wakes with terrible shoulder and back pains, when she went outside after she started feeling better, she calmly sys to herself "ahhh fresh air" and the pains come back and the clothes are ripped of her back and she has huge white wings!.!.!.she also has power over water, heating , cooling, controlling it, and she has pwoer over the weather !.!.!.so i guess everytime she says AIR she gets wings, i htink thats how im planning it!.!.!.so help me think of a title!? please pick one of mine hthen make up ur own!
-silver wings
-broken wings
-wings of __!?__( i dont know what to put there)
- make up ur own!!

also can someone help me think of the name f
52 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer!.
Additional Details
51 minutes ago

!.!.!.for the main character!?!? i want this to be kinda an anime feeling like i just love anime!.!.!.likeeee a japanese name that means!.!.!.!.pure white!.!.!.!.uhmmm!.!.!.!?!.!.!.!.beautiful wings!.!.!.!.or somethingliek taht thanks a lot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the girl!.!.!.
Amaterasu: Japanese myth name for a sun goddess who ruled the heavens, meaning "shining over heaven"!.
Cho: Butterfly
Gina: Silvery
Gin: Silver
Hikari/Hikaru: Light, or shining
Sora: Sky
Sorano: Of the sky
Tori: Bird!. I've heard this was a boy name, and it also is the word for bird!.!.!.
I'm sorry, none of them are really good, If I had to choose one of these though, I would choose either Amaterasu or Tori!.
For the title!.!.!.
What happens in the story!? I wouldn't call it Broken Wings if her wings didn't break or something like she lost hope or something!.!.!. Is the story only about her wings!?
You could simply call it "Wings" you know!. If I chose one of your titles, "Silver Wings" would be all right!. Maybe "Feathered Wings"!? And maybe you could do this: "!?!?!? Wings", with the girl's name instead of the question marks!. Like "Tori's Wings"!. Or maybe "Whoever's Sky", like she owns the sky, or it feels like it, since she controls weather and can fly!.!.!.
I don't know!.!.!. anyhow, I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the title:
I think that since you're going with "fresh air" as a kind of theme, maybe the title should have air or wind in it!. So maybe Wings of Wind!?
It's got an alliteration going for it!.

As for the name:
Tori is a japanese girl's name that means 'bird!.' Birds have wings, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

here are some japanese names and their meanings
Gin- silver
Hoshi- star
Hoshiko- star
Kaida- little dragon
Koko- stork
Kosuke- rising sun
Name/Nami- wave
Oki- ocean centered
Sora- sky

hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a good i dea kinda but you have concepts from three different things (the chronicals of narnia, x-men, avatar)
i guess maybe white air
or wing bender
or x-wings
or caspin wings
haha jk i like the first girl's suggestionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Call it Air!.
or White Wonder i like that one!.
White Winged Wonder!.
White Air!.Www@QuestionHome@Com