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Position:Home>Books & Authors> PLZ Help..Really need some kicking ideas for a short story I am trying to write

Question: PLZ Help!.!.Really need some kicking ideas for a short story I am trying to write but very blocked!?
I have an idea I seriously would like to mold into a short story!.

The idea is "what if God gave up on man!?", what is a divine power who ever it may be just looked at aus as a huan race and just said forget it I'm one with you guys, fend for yourselves and your own faith!.

I need a story or idea on how to demonstrate ordinary characters/people in extrordinary circumstances!.

I would like to incorparte a tattooed older guy in his 40's kinda of a hermit who has no belief in god in the first place like he lost his faith eons ago because of something vile or so wrong that happen in his life and he come across a very broken world and a young women in her 20's who like him is broken herself but both of their paths cross and they somehow restore a balance or order of faith back in the world and the divine power is just mystified at the lengths they go too in believing again!.!.!.!.!.

I would truly appreciate any help/ideas you guys could offer Thanks a big bunch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mack was 46 years old, living out of his knapsack under the (you choose the highway) bridge!. When he was 8 years old, his dad's body was sent back in pieces from Viet Nam and his mother climbed into a bottle and never came out!. The streets of (you choose the city) had raised him!. If you could call it raising!. In and out of trouble, foster homes, juvenile facilities, and prisons had been his way of life!. Since the half-way house had closed down, he found himself with nowhere to go, no money, no future, no desire to find himself back in prison, and totally alone!. And, he discovered, he had one hell of a headache leftover from drinking that cheap, rot-gut liquor with the bum in the park last night!. "So, what to do now!?" he wondered!.

Jillian was a scared to death 24 year old running for her life!. She managed to get away from Marvin this time!. Last time, she had awakened in the hospital emergency room with a concussion, a broken arm, Marvin and two police officers standing over her!. Of course, she had lied!. Of course, she had fallen down the stairs!. And of course, Marvin was not to blame!.
This time had been different!. This time, she just knew Marvin would kill her!. This time, she actually had a bit of luck, found a bit of courage and fought back!. She managed to get to the baseball bat behind the door and she used it!. As soon as Marvin fell down, she grabbed the keys to the old pick-up and headed out with just the clothes on her back and her purse!. Now, here she was in some unfamiliar city, 5 o'clock in the morning and the engine was over heating!. As she pulled the truck into the emergency lane, she saw a man sitting under the bridge!. "Just great," she thought!. "Get away from one jerk, and another pops up!." But when she saw his face in the headlights, for some reason, she felt a sense of relief!. Something in his eyes told her that things were going to be alright!. Yes, things were gonna be fine!.

Hope this will get you started!. I really like the concept! Now, finish this up so I can see how it turns out!


How about this!?
40yr old man living in his caravan at a caravan park which is to be sold to land developers the following week!. He lives alone with no friends and the opening paragraph starts out with something like this:
" All my life god has hated me, from the early years in my life when i swallowed a marble every other day to me losing my job at the newsagents last sunday due to my boss being broke and having to sell the place!. In any case, i highly doubted that god actually existed!. i stopped believing when my wife decided to leave me for some hotshot lawyer, taking all my money with her!. In any case, if god actually existed, i was convinced that i would not be broke!."

so!.!.!. after that, he goes to the estate agents to see if there is a small apartment that he can rent until he sorts his life out!. Obviously, there isn't!. On his way back to the trailer park, he notices a church and decides that he might as well go in and complain about his life to god (whom he still refuses to believe in) himself!. When he enters the church, he finds that there is already a young woman there and doing exactly what he intended to do: she was voicing her complaints to god!.

Just to give you some ideas!.

You can work the rest out for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com