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Question: Please Answer This Even If You Don't Know The Answer!!!!!!!?
Hello! This is VERY important, but if you don't know the answer, then would you please look it up and reply when you can!? Ok, now here is what you have been waiting for!.!.!. my question!. I basically have two!. And don't worry, I will explain each one:
1!. Should I read the rest of the books from the TWILIGHT series!? Why!? What should I look forward to!?
2!. Is there any way I can read the twilight series online!?

1!. I read the first one and loved it, should I read the others!? Are they just as good, not as good, or better!?

2!. Please don't say this is illegal!. I need it to be free, and I don't want to have to belong to a certain library and I don't want to download anything!. I need to be able to just download the BOOK (nothing else) and be able to read it on my computer!.

Thank you! (In advanced)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
okay well in my opinion, you should deffinatly finish the series!! i mean like breaking dawn is coming out!! lol new moon the seconde book in the series isen;t as good as twilight (do yourself a favor and skip pages 81-391)!. but eclipse was amazing almost everyone says it was the best book in the series and to understand it you need to finish reading new moon :D yeah so read the rest!.

oh and well if you want to read it online email me!.!.!.i have the book on my computer and i could email them to you :D!.

edward's lamb- breaking dawn in 21!!!


here's new moon you can read it online but if it gets removed the site you can't witch it will in a few days so i suggest you either download it (i have and it's completly safe) or contact me and all send you the file!.

hope this helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well to be honest, I didnt even know what Twilight was until earlier today!.

If you loved the first one, why wouldn't you love the others!?
If you can't find it for free online, just go to a bookstore, read the first page of the next one, and decide from there if it's worth your time!.
Is it troublesome to go to a library!? It's free, and you don't really 'belong' to it!.!.!. It's not like getting a library card is the same as joining a gang :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, i havent read the series myself and not really interested in it all i know is that it is about vampires!.!.!.and honestly i think that is soo overrated!.!.!. i mean move on to something else vampires are so old (Dracula would be offended) and there may be a way for you to get a sneak peek of teh books but not download them completle on your computer you would have to buy them for that !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're all just as good!.

Do you have a school library!?
Usually you have to belong to a site and pay a monthly fee to read books online!.
But it'll be cheaper if you do that and read them both in a month than in would if you bought them!.
You can do that at barnes and noble's website!.

But it WILL hurt your eyes!.!.!. badly!.
I'm not talking just pain!.!.!. it will damage your eyes!.!.!. for good!. So it's not a good idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should definitely read the rest of the series!. They are just as good and some what even better (especially Eclipse)!. And you have a whole lot to look forward to ( what if I were to say Edward left and Bella starts falling for Jacob, would Edward come back!? see!?)!. Trust me on this if you loved Twilight you'll love the rest

I don't think you can read the series online!. It is illegal, but I don't think anyone's done it!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't recommend reading these books!. There is a satanic undercurrent in them!. Please read the Bible instead!. It will do you a great deal of good! People have like a vacuum inside of them for God, but if it is filled with something false that will hinder the truth (and God's blessings) from getting to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

New Moon isn't as good but i heard that Eclipse is really good, I would read the rest of them though!.

I don't think you can read it online, maybe the first chapter but its against copyright to post a book online & i'm sure if someone posts a book this popular online they will get in trouble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After i have read twilight, i read it's other series!. I suggest that you should read the others!. It's so cool!. You know that breaking dawn's almost coming out right!? Sorry!. For finding the website to read the story online, i do not know!. Hope you will read the others =]!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would read it!. I honestly don't know if you can read it online, but if you go to some type of school, they should have it in their library(even though you said you didn't want a library)!. Books aren't as easy to find online as movies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you enjoyed the first book, definitely read the rest of the series!. The books just keep getting better, trust me!. You can purchase audio books on itunes and listen to them on your ipod!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you should read the rest of the twilight series!. The second book is kinda boring but the third book in my opinion the best of the series so far!. And about the second question I dont think it is possible to read the books online for free!. Hope I helped!.

You should read all of them, they were great!.
It did get kind of dumb in the 3rd book,
but it was still very good!.
I recomend you read them all!.
And go to ask!.com and type in "Where can I read Stephanie Myers books for free online!?" and that should give you some answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry but no you cant find it on the internet! i have read all the books and they are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! go to your local library and chech them out! if they dont have them ask them to order them! i cant wait to see the movie! email me and we can talk abou it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!. read breaking dawn august 2nd!.
there is no way to read twilight online unless someone scanned it or typed it all out!. youd have to google!.
read the others, they are worth it, the story gets very interesting!. eclipse was my favorite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.Yes mostly in the 3 but you have to read the 2 one for it to make since!.

2!.Well i dont think so they are worth buying because you will want 2 re-read them!.

-Alice Cullen
Days till breaking dawn:21Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have heard all the books are great in the series!.!.!.!.if you wanna download them http://isohunt!.com/torrents/twilight+ser!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why don't you want to belong to a certain library!? That's the easiest way to get books for free!. Good luck trying to find books online for free, its almost impossible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Yes they are all excellent
2!. Not that I know of
3!. Check your local library to see if they have them!. Many have online card catelogs and if they don't have it ask them if they can order it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


but you need to go to the library!.
honestly, I'd be appalled to see it online!.
It's someone's YEARS of work and effort put into a book, seeing it online is just lame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Idk if you can read it online!. I've never read the twilight books, but I can tell you some of my friends have and they are lke obssessed!. so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.YES ALL THE BOOKS ARE AMAZING!!! READ THEM ALL!!! be ready for some suprises ;)
they are all equally amazing!!!

2!. noWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well im reading it they are supposed to be really good books (even though im not even half done with Twilight) So far it is something I would read the rest of the series of!. Keep reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no idea, but did as you asked and answered, not knowing jack! Thanks for the two points, and good luck with that reading stuff!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. idc
2!. idc
3!. idcWww@QuestionHome@Com

read all of them i heard they are very good my sister is obsessed with it and seeing the movie and all of her friends love themWww@QuestionHome@Com

The whole series is fabulous, but i doubt you could read anyt of them offline with out a payment or download!.
hope i helped! (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't waste your time on the series!. I don't think it is worth it!.
Try Harry Potter, etc!. There are so many other good books out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is illegal!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

2 pointsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seems like a man trapped inside a cats meow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wel u can rread some stuff online just search it on google!. now can u help me http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com