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Question: Help with Literary Analysis!!?!!?
I've got a wicked tough literature class right now, and I really need to get an A!. Can you please help me!?

The prompt is:

Explain how young Gerald McGrew personifies post-modernism and why he is the poster child of the post-modern hero!.

I don't have a clue where to begin!. The text we have to use is If I Ran the Zoo by Dr!. Seuss!.

It's very tough, please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, the obvious way in which young Gerald personifies Post-Modernism is in his anguished cry that the animals "are not good enough" The desire for new and better animals is, after all, the hallmark of the post-Modern hero!.
Then he sets a quest for himself, in order to obtain the presumably unobtainable, but accomplishes it primarily in his imagination, dreaming of glory all the time!.

On the other hand !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow I am much more familiar with If I Ran the Circus!. I guess Gerald is the post modern hero because he is large and in charge!.

He RUNS the zoo!. It is his job to keep all those vicious critters in their cages and keep the people safe!. Post modern!.

Think of the creatures in the cage like the threats to freedom - Nazis - Communists - Terrorists!. All of them caged - behind bars!. Think of the Domino Effect!. One mean bear gets loose - he opens the tiger cage - then the lion cage - and before you know it - we are all eating bananas and speaking chimpanzee!. Scary thought huh!?

And the people from the free world - are walking free, eating popcorn and ice cream and holding balloons while good old Gerald keeps law and order at the zoo!. That makes Gerry a hero in my book!.

Stay groovy, Gerry!. Fight the good fight!. Semper fi!. Hoo ah!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com