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Question: Tips on creating a great Story!?!?
i already have the plot and characters, i just need to get started!. are there any methods or techniques to help me complete the story quickly and efficiently!? anything is greatly appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Read this as soon as you can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your best bet is to purchase a couple of books on creative writing!.

You really should understand how and why things are done!. A grasp of fundamentals will help you write that 'Great Story'!. Without that knowledge, you could easily flounder!.

I've said before in previous posts, ALL artists, musicians, dancers, and actors have to study in order to gain success!. THEY believe it's absolutely vital for them; they wouldn't dream of auditioning without having studied!. It's no different for writers!.

Hints and tips for quick fixes can be found in most author's blogs (see my profile for mine), but they're no substitute for text books, they're in addition !.!.!.!. they're a touch of experience, icing on the cake!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Write the kind of stories you like and write everyday for at least 10 minuts!.The words aren't going to come out right away!. Writing great stories takes time and thought!. Always relax and take time to get inspiried!. Rewrite your chapters at least once!. You'll often find the first draft wasn't the best!.

A short and rather easy book for YA and anyone with an open mind to younger literature is Gail Carlson Levine's Writing Magic!. It has some quick excercises to help the creativity flow!.

Oh, and if you can, try to take a creative writing class!. It's fantastic! I took one and it was one of the best things I ever did!. It helped me think outside the box!. In fact, Teen Ink, the magazine, is having some online creative writing classes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

practice writing, day in, day out!. Read, criticize, read some more!. Make sure you know what words to capitalize because it's really irritating when people don't use correct grammar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com