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Question: Book Help AGAIN!!!?
Can anybody give me some good Teen or Tween seires!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the clique series
pertty little liar series
in or out series
mates and dates series
it girl series
gossip girl series

hope this helps


So I am 16 and really fell in love with this series called Abram's Daughters by Beverley Lewis!.There is five books in the series!.It's definitely different kind of books, but is easily understandable to us teens because we can understand it and even relate to some of the characters!.It is a story focused on the lives of an Amish family filled with daughters!.Throughout the story we get to know each of the daughters as they are growing up and making life changing decisions!.I recommend it completely!.But if your not sure go to a book store find the series and read the first couple of pages in the book; see if it grabs you!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would put a disclaimer saying "NO TWILIGHT SUGGESTIONS!." Otherwise, the fangirls will all come rushing in and say how "hawt" Edward Cullen is!.
Have you read Meg Cabot!? I've heard she writes great YA (young adult) books!. Check her out!.



All here for you beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com