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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What's your fave Michael Crichton book? Recommendations??

Question: What's your fave Michael Crichton book!? Recommendations!?!?
I read Timeline, Jurassic Park, Prey, State of Fear, Next, and Sphere!. I really didn't like Sphere!. I thought it was action-y but very annoying!. My two favorites are State of Fear and Next!. What other books by him are good!? What books would you recommend that are similar to Crichton's!? (like Sci-fi thriller, but realistic)!. I also really like John Grisham and Kathy Reichs, if that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You might enjoy the Maixmum Ride series by James Patterson!. It is young adult, but still entertaining enough for an adult to read!. You might also enjoy some of his other books as well!. also give the Alex Cross books a try - these are straightforward mystery/thrillers!.

also try the Kay Scarpetta books by Patricia Cornwell!. The first 6-8 books or so are quite good, but the series trails off a litte bit after there!.

Another good series is the Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child!. These are mystery/thrillers, and the series gets pretty good after the third book!. The first three are a little supernatural in nature, but not really too far out there and the main character is a pretty interesting guy!.

I would also suggest many of the books of Dean Koontz, such as Watchers, the Odd Thomas series, Life Expectancy, The Husband and many others!. He writes everything from thrillers to horror to supernatural, and includes a little humor in most of his books!. There is a little something for everyone in his books, so definitely check these out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Andromeda Strain, Airframe, Lost world - all good reads!.
I've enjoyed every book by John Grisham!.
Try Dean Koontz books for sci fi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm actually not a big Michael Crichton fan, I love dean koontz though! some of his books are scifi and some are murder mysteries!. Check him out I bet you fall in love like I did!Www@QuestionHome@Com