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Question: Twilight/new moon!?
Mainly about new moon, but ok!. So alice can see the future!. Well if someone has made up their minds, she can!. So if that's true, why didn't she see bella getting a paper cut at her birthday party and jasper almost attacking her!? Because bella finally agreed on going to the cullen' after she watched romeo&juliet with edward!. So, if she did she could've warned edward!. I know that if that happened, new moon wouldn't have been new moon!. But still, anyone think of this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I dont think Bella decided to get a papercut!. You said so yourself that when someone makes up their minds, Alice can see it!. But Bella did not make up her mind to get a papercut!. Jasper also didnt make up his mind to attack Bella until she got a papercut and that only took a second!. If Alice saw Jasper attack her, she wouldnt have enough time to warn Edward as a vampire has fast reflexes and can go very fast!. Even so, Jasper may not have made up his mind to attack Bella!. It was instinct he couldbnt hlep it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not like Bella and Jasper knew what was going to happen!. Their actions weren't decided!. (Bella didn't KNOW she was going to get a papercut!. And Jasper didn't KNOW that he would be attacking Bella!.) Alice can also see the future when there are decisions!.!.!.

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 20 more days from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think anyone can really make their minds up and plan to have a paper cut and when she did have a paper cut and jasper decided to attack her i don't think Alice would have gotten her vision fast enough to see it happen so i thought it was on target lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

but did bella decide to get a paper cut!? no and did jasper decide to attack before she got a papercut no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mabe alice is eeeevilll!.!.!.ever think about that!?

nahhh just joking

i think its just a small mistake in stephenies writting but dont get me wrong still i love her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Good question actually O_O

-stars- Wow, good point!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com