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Question: Help me, twilighters, please!.!.!.!?
Hi guys! Well, I've never read Twilight, but I'm going to do it next week!.!.!.do you think I'll be able to read all the three books until 2nd August!? (I don't know if they are too long)!.!.!. Because I want to buy "Breaking down" and I have the opportunity to buy it in Amazon when it will be published!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, doll -- you have 20 more days!. I bet you a million dollars that you WILL finish by Aug!.2, depending on what kind of person you are (normal or crazy!.) If you're normal, like the rest of us Twilight fans, than heck yeah you'll finish!. Once you start reading you can't put it down!. It's possible it takes only 2 or 3 days to finish ONE book!. The most has to be like 6!. Maybe if you spend 6 days on Twilight, 6 days on New Moon, & 7 days on Eclipse -- you'll be okay (:

I'm re-reading the Twilight series a THIRD time!.

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 20 more days from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should have enough time, it really depends on how fast you read, what else you HAVE to do, etc!.
I think it took me three days to read Twilight, haven't read the other two yet, although I have them, but then again, things have got a bit hectic for me lately and the book I am currently reading is not an "easy read" it has taken me almost two weeks to read it, because the narrator keeps changing throughout, and it is told in letter form rather than being told by an omniscient narrator!. Hard work is a pretty good description of it, but saying that, a decent story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you know how to read and if you have a good sense in books!.!.!. i'd bet you will finish twilight in four days or less!.!.!. new moon was a little harder to get throught!.!.!. it took me 6 days and eclipse i read in two!.!.!. so it all depends on how you read!.!.!. and how busy you are!.!.!.!.!.
prepare to be obsessed!.!.!. i have read twilight 12 times (not to mention the 10 times i have read new moon or the 11 times i have read eclipseWww@QuestionHome@Com

AH! Buy Breaking Dawn from walmart!.com its the cheapest place!. It's only like 10!.94 with Shipping, its like 13!.89!

It's possible if you read fast and if you get into the series!. It all depends on the person!. Personally, I enjoy the series very much!. It's refreshing from the usual YA fiction!.

It's alot to read, so get started! Fast! Haha, I hope you enjoy the series!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yay! its allways good to see another reading it for the first time, okay, i have read them all like at least 6 time each, and im re-reading them before the 2nd also and im currently on eclipse, i do belive that you can, if you spenting yur time reading not nessisarily all the time but whenever you really get a chance!. happy reading! it really is the best book ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that you Will have enough time to red them if you are going to be as crazy as i was about them!. Seriously i read those books in 2 or 3 days each so you should have no problem!. when you pick them up you cant stop reading theyre great! Have fun!.!.!.
hmmmmmmmm!.!.!.i might go and re-read them before breaking dawn 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you have 21 days!. If you give yourself a week to read each book then you should be finished on the exact day Breakign Dawn comes out!. Dont worry, the books may seem big but they're a really light read but so detailed!. It only took me 3 hours all up to read Twilight!.

also depends on how fast u readWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think you'll have enough time!! the twilight series are awesome and you'll keep wanting to read more!! i all the books in like 6 days!! its amazing i hope you do like it though !. well i hope you enjoy them :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMFG how da fucl< would we know!! it depends in yr reading pace donT iit!?
and its breaking Dawn!!Www@QuestionHome@Com