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Question: Vampire story--too many!?
Well, I am writing a vampire novel, and recently have become obsessed with this yahoo answer deal, so why not combine the two for a few minutes!? Basically, I love my plot and everything!. It is more about the "classical" vampire!. I personally love reading vampire stories and watching their movies, but I am just wondering!.!.!.is the rest of the world tired of the vampire stories!? Is another one placed on the library shelves and book stores just going to collect dust!?

Despite the answer, I am still going to finish my novel, but I can not help but be curious!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are a lot of vampire novels out there, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be written!. There are tons of people that love to read stories of vampires and the whole Twilight obsession is evidence of that!. I love vampire novels and as long as the story is well written and has a different plot that sets it apart from the others, it will be read!. Good luck with your novel!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

while others are tired of hearing about vampire stories a lot of people are in love with vampire stories! so i don't think they would actually collect dust, so i think that you should finish that novel and try and publish it, you'll never know until you try, yours might be the next big hit!!

personally i love vampire novels such as twilightWww@QuestionHome@Com

The world is getting pretty sick of them and so are publishers!. Just please we beg you!. No more sparkling perfect high school vampires who drive around in hot cars and have ADD vampire sisters and klutzy non-vampire girlfriends!. Spare us please!. I hear we are considering sending some books to Gitmo but the Geneva Convention says it is cruel and unusual punishment!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

If it's been done, don't do it, or find a way to make it new!. I think that vampires are overdone and trite, but one of my favorite books is "Peeps" by Scott Westerfeld which is a sci-fi vampire book!. But I think that in general there are too many vampire stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are a lot of vampire stories!. but there are a lot of different kinds!. they have the old queen of the damned series and then the twilight series or peeps :) i love all of these!. but in general i think the teen version is a little old!. but honestly i would still read it!. <3 vampire booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

i get this too, im wondering if theres too many historical/fantasy type books!. its normal to feel like that ive noticed!.
from another author, im gonna say that as long as your plot is different, i wouldn't worry about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

UUUmmmmmmm!.!.!.!.!.You know what!?!? I read this question and with out scrolling down the page thought- i wonder how many answers there will be before someone mentions twilight!?!?

One!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best book i ve ever read about vampires is the twilight series they are truly the best EVER!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yo becca you got a myspace!?
I think you sound like a classic!.!.!.
email me at gregstone191@yahoo!.com!Www@QuestionHome@Com