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Question: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows question !.!.!. !?
Remember when Harry sacrificed himself to Voldemort when he was a Horcrux, well when Harry was in King's Cross with Dumbledore, they couldn't help the creature, human, or whatever it was, but to think of it I think it was Voldemort !.!. because he had no one to love and no one loved him truly, even tho it seemed like Bellatrix did !.!. or maybe it was Snape !.!. because his soul was a confused soul, if you get what I mean !.!.

What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Yes, it was Voldemort!.!.!.well, to an extent!. When Harry sacrificed himself, died, and went to Kings Cross, the little ugly thing we saw/read about was the portion of Voldemort's soul that was trapped in Harry's body, aka, the Horcrux!. If you think back to GoF (Goblet of Fire, book 4) when Wormtail brought Voldemort out and put him in the cauldron, that's the creature I pictured in Kings Cross!. The ugly baby sized thing, which would make total sense since that was what was left of Voldemort after he was nothing more than a spirit and before he gained a true corporal body!. So if we had to have some form of a body for Voldemort's soul in Kings Cross, that would be what I'd picture, as he does not have a beautiful soul!.

******END SPOILER*******

and a spoiler question is a question that would give away some part of the book, it would "spoil" the book for someone who hasn't read it, thus, a "spoiler" question!. it's proper for you to give a kind of warning, like i did at the beginning of this answer so if people haven't read something, and don't want it spoiled, they won't read it and get it spoiled for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

spoiler question!. Yes, it was a dream or was it!. The dream can be interpreted two ways!. First it did really happen harry was dead and given a choice to live or go on to be with his family!. The creature is a part of he who must not be named!. In the dream it is a symbol of voldemort or it could be taken as voldemort the real thing!. Most likely to keep the kids happy she used the dream sequence to keep everyone happy!. Harry lives, but he dies in a symbolic way!. The cross roads is a place where he can choose to go or stay!. He chose to stay and be with his friends!. Snape and Bellatrix didn't really love voldemort!. Snape feared him and Bellatrix was in love with power!. Harry is different than V!. because his friends love him for himself, not because of his amazing abilities!. Good question!. I hope the movie will be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my gosh!. Don't pay any attention to what they are saying about spoiler questions!. They are saying that because you are telling about what was in the last book and some people haven't read it yet!. Which really annoys because come on! Who hasn't read the last book!? I mean really!.!.!.And if they hadn't why would they click on a question that said "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows question"!?

Yes!. I, too always thought that this was the fragment of soul that was Voldemort!.
And yeah!. I always thought that Bellatrix was in love with Voldemort!. Or perhaps not in love!. (he was never loved) I just think she liked him a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly!. that whole part in King's Cross was really confusing!. I couldn't figure out what was really going on!. Rowling lost me at that point!. It's a good thing it was at the end of the book!. Everything up until that point was really good, in terms of the storyline, was going to even say it was the best book!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.and then she did the whole King's Cross thing!. It sucked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was the voldemort part of harry that died!. when voldie tried to kill him, he only killed the horcrux part, or the part of him that had been stuck in harry his whole life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really don't get what you mean but, the part of Voldermort's sould that was the baby was past saving point!. No one could help it what so ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think
Thats true because it was voldemort

And bellatrix Wanted love but didnt have it

And it wasnt snape

Snape was working for dumbledore


it was voldemort j!.k said this in an interview

dumbldore is usually so helping that you know he knew that it was voldemort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it represented all the terrible things that Voldemort had done when he was doing evil stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah it was Voldemort!. It was part of his soul, the other half of him, which was the Horcrux!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The creature was voldemort's soul, I believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

voldemort didn't need anyone to love him, he didnt care about that!. he was happy with power, not confused at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

>!.< i dont understand what i question is!.

OH yeah that was voldemort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah it was Voldemort!.!.!.!. I think that was like ummm!.!.!.!. purgatory by certain churches beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should mark spoiler questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was the part of voldermort's soul latched in harryWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was Voldemort!. Or, at least, what was left of his soul!. JKR confirmed that in an interview!.

But I think they couldn't help him because he had split his soul into so many pieces he was a lost cause, in a way!. He had knowingly committed murder in order to ensure he wouldn't die, and what was left of his soul was utterly destroyed!.

And the person concerned about spoilers needs to suck it up!. It's common sense there might be a spoiler about the book if it has the title in the question, and he's had over a year to read it!.

EDIT: Spoiler questions are questions that could spoil (hence the name) the ending, or simple an important part of the plot, of a book or movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com