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Question: Twilight series fans!.!.!.!?
what is the signifigance or the title of Eclipse and the cover and do you know what bella's wedding dress looks like!.!.!.
like a pic of it!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black!. Meyer also stated that the ribbon represents the idea that Bella can't break away completely from her human life

An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object moves into the shadow of another!.
(jacob the sun and edward the moon)

and sorry, idk what her dress looks like!.

when he said it was off, he thought bella was only letting alice do the wedding and plan everything just to make alice happy and it wasnt really what bella wanted!. and then she started talking about how this would make renee and charlie happy and edward only wanted bella happy!.
but he realized that in order to make bella happy, bella wanted other people happy too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When he said deals off he ment she doesn't have to marry him anymore - she can become a vampire and have sex with him still, even though they aren't getting married!.

But she said no - she wants to get married

The ribbon on Eclipse is just hanging on and it's gonna seperate completely - like Jacob and Bella's relationship (I think)
Like one side is Bella and Edward and the other is Jacob!. They are being torn apart - relationship wise

We don't know what the dress looks like yet - but it's old fashioned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the significance of the cover for eclipse, as me and my friend dicephered (spelling!?) it, is that it is bella's life!. its normal and then edward comes and then he leaves and that's where it gets like really thin and the tiny strings that keep her attached are jacob and then her family like charlie who she knows she owes a lot too (like she says) and then the rest of the ribbon is her lovely life with edward :)
idk what bella's wedding dress looks like!.!.!.def old fashioned thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Stephenie said that the meaning of the Ribbion was that no matter how hard you try to let go of your old life some strings just can't be torn!. Which I think is a beautiful discription of what happens to Bella!. And when he says deals off, he means that she doesn't have to wait to make love with him!. That they don't have to wait till they are married!. He thought that she was sacrificing to much for other people, and that she should get something, so he told her he would make love to her there in the meadow!. But again, Bella put Edward in front of her self and said she would help save his soul!. =)
The name of Eclipse, Stephenie never explained,but from what I know of it shows, the Sun (werewolves) and the moon (vampires) joining together!. Like they do in the book to protect Bella!. Beautiful name though, all though it does mock me with the car and gum!. lol!
I kind of like it better that way, I mean how can it get more romantic then someone saving themselves for their true love for 107 years!. =) No, I don't think anyone knows how the dress looks like, unless she puts a discription of it in Breaking Dawn, and if she posts a picture of it on her site, they will most likly change it in the movie!. So no help there!. Sorry!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com