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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What does the cover art for each book in the "Twilight" Series symboli

Question: What does the cover art for each book in the "Twilight" Series symbolize!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Twilight: it represents the forbidden fruit!. it represents Bella and Edward's forbidden love and it also represents choice!.

New Moon: the flower has no symbolism but the title New Moon represents the darkest time in the lunar cycle which represents Bella's darkest time in her life!.

Eclipse: the ribbon represents choice since Bella has to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob!. the ribbon is torn because she can't decide and is torn between the two!.

Breaking Dawn: there isn't an exact representation but this is what i think!.!.!.the red piece in the background represents Bella as a human!. she's warm and she blushes a lot!. the white queen in front represents Bella's new life as a vampire!. she's hard, cold, and pale!. it represents her transition into a new life as a vampire with Edward forever!

hope this helps! team edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight: Forbidden Fruit

New Moon: It's a ruffled tulip it's supposed to represent how Bella is feeling when Edward left

Eclipse: She's torn between Edward and Jacob!. The small piece of ribbon represents Jacob and the longer piece is Edward

Breaking Dawn: I read that what it's supposed to mean in the end of the game!. With the two pieces left!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As everyone else said the apple on Twilight is a forbidden fruit!. (Edward=Forbidden!.)

In Eclipse when Bella and Jacob are talking Jacob says that Edward's like an Eclipse, and even a sun can't fight an Eclipse!.

And I'm not sure about New Moon but I assume that it's because that's when Jacob turns into a Wolf!. (Bad answer for New Moon!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight-The apple is a forbiddin fruit and bella is forbiddin to Bella

New moon-there is no meaning the puplishers picked it not meyer

Eclipse- is the two sides of bella which is the two sides of the ribbion that are being seperated

Here is the site:


also you cant know the meaning of the others till you read them!.

-Alice cullen
Days till breaking dawn: 23Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea the apple as the forbiden fruit and there is also somthing in common,

in twilight= either bella or edward say "twilight" in the book when they are in the medow i thnk

new moon= bella says "its a new moon"

Eclipse= jacob metions edward as an eclipse

so its like the title of the book is always metiond which i think is kinda kool!! haha


I believe they mean

Apple- Forbidden Fruit

Bleeding Rose- How Edward Left Bella; bleeding and delicate

Torn Ribbon- She's torn between Jake and Edward

Chess Board & pawn & Queen- I believe the same thing as you that she is the red pawn as a human small, fragile, blushing, easily defeated and then her as the queen, hard, pale, strong

hope this helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com


Q!. What kind of flower is that on the cover, and what does it mean!?

A!. That is a ruffled tulip!. As for the meaning!.!.!. If you've read the Twilight FAQ, you know that the apple cover had a lot of meaning for me, and I was an active part of the covering process!. However, that experience is more the exception than the rule in the publishing world!. Something to keep in mind if you intend to embark on a career as a writer: lots of things you might expect to be under your control are not!. Covers, for example!. Those are mostly up to the publisher and the marketing and sales departments!. So I don't know what the tulip means—I didn't have anything to do with this one!.

thats all I could find!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Apple = forbidden fruit of knowledge!. like in adam and eve!. also the golden apple of Paris from greek mythology!. also snow white!.

Meyer never really specified exactly where it came from!. its more of a mix!.!. she just liked that the apple had a great history to it!.

new moon && eclipse were chosen by the publishers!.!. she had no say in them :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry, i only know the first one!.!.!.

the first twilight book is a symbol of hands holding an apple!.
this is eluded to 'forbidden fruit', in the garden of eden!. the apple symbolizes choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well the apple is a forbidden fruit, and it symbolizes edward!. even though bella isnt suppose to be with him and love him, she is n e way!.
im not sure about new moon and eclipses covers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know twilight "the apple" you could understand if you read the book and saw the small quote from genesis about adam and eveWww@QuestionHome@Com

apple=forbidden fruit (that should explain it all)

and the publishers chose the other coversWww@QuestionHome@Com