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Question: Any one want to read my fic!?
Its about Cold Case haha

Im cool!.


If you read it and give me a review, I will give you 10 points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I found what you've written quite interesting; I read it in its entirety, so you can interpret that fact to mean that it held my attention!. I liked your style -- the short clipped sentences!. I would definitely encourage you to continue with the story; you've invested time and effort in it, so see where it takes you if you expand it!. You do have a few spelling errors: brake should be break; passed (twice) should be past; there is a Than beginning a sentence which should be Then!. Those are minor, of course, but, as one who also writes, I am somewhat of a perfectionist! Anyway, good luck with your writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a really good article!. I deeply think that maybe you could write a novel, which is one of my dreams!. I am really jelous of your style of writing, and you are very fluent with the english language!. Congratulations!Www@QuestionHome@Com