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Position:Home>Books & Authors> An editor recently contacted me wanting to edit my novel what am i supposed to d

Question: An editor recently contacted me wanting to edit my novel what am i supposed to do!?
I mean i have my manuscript and sypnosis but i dont know this lady!. How can I trust her do i just email her the story I mean I can prove its mine but still do i lock the file!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not sure of your situation, so you may want to provide more details!. My understanding of the publishing process is that you finish the manuscript as best you can, and when you feel it is ready to be published, send query letters to literary agents!. If an agent likes your idea, they will ask you for pages from your novel!. If they like those, they will ask for the whole thing!. If they accept your novel and offer to represent you, they will not ask for a fee up front, but instead will take a cut of the royalties when the book sells!. This agent will send your manuscript to editors at a publishing house, but those editors will not rework your whole story, and it should be as perfect as you can make it before it even gets there!.

Some people do edit for a living, for a fee, but it is not mandatory to have this done!. If you feel you need help, you can pay someone to do this, but I don't really recommend it!. If this editor contacted you without you first seeking her out, I definitely advise you not to take her up on it, and don't send her your manuscript!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is she connected to a publishing house!? If so, you can contact them and see if they have some sort of privacy policy!. If not, you could explain to her that you're a little bit concerned about privacy ("It's nothing personal, of course," you can say!. "Just in this day and age, how can you be sure!?") and ask her if she'd be willing to sign a non-release contract or something that you could either draw up independently or with the help of a lawyer!.

Another option is suggesting that you send her an excerpt or chapter in order to see whether her editing style works for you!. That way you get to know her a little better, you get to see how she works, and you can decide whether or not you want to continue your relationship professionally!.

Regardless, locking the file will make it difficult for her to actually edit the manuscript and thus do her job, and for that reason I'd recommend against it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whoa: she wants to skim over it and then, if SHE is interested you pay her!? Tell her to !.!.!. nevermind, I would get my answer deleted if I posted what I was going to say!.

BIG HONKIN' RED FLAG, doll!. Specially if you didn't approach her first!.

1!. How did she find you!.
2!. Where are her credentials i!.e!. who has she edited, does she have a website, what is her track record!.

Sorry, but as someone who has worked in the litigation field for well over 20 years, I tend to be paranoid!.!.!. and paranoid isn't necessarily a bad thing in the industry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unless you're already famous, this is out of the ordinary!. How did she hear about your novel yet!? You can publish it for free on www!.lulu!.com!. For a small fee you can then get it an ISBN number, get it copywritten, and once that happens it gets placed in the Library of Congress!. You retain all rights!. I did it with my own novel!.
Finding an agent or a bigger publisher is the next step!. Wish us both luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

emailing something this valuable to someone you don't know is idiotic and i can't think of a professional who would even ask such a thing!. still if you want your novel published, and this woman has to have it , photo copy it and send her the copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely arrange something with a contract!. I've never published a book, but it should probably be something like if you get published and books are selling then you pay her X amount for editing!. And maybe thank or at least mention her in the final published edition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would do nothing until you have a signed contract that spells out what you are responsible for and what she is responsible for!. It should also include fees and a time line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com