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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is the book"The Godfather" like the movie at all?

Question: Is the book"The Godfather" like the movie at all!?
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The book is pretty similar to Godfather part one; bar a few minor changes which at the moment elude me!.

Interesting enough, Godfather the book has garnered none of the critical acclaim that the movies have!. For one, the book isn't particularly well written!. I find the book to be sensationalistic; at times trashy; even formulaic!. That said, the book is certainly a page turner and should provide adequate entertainment for, I don't know, say, a day relaxing on a sunny beach!. Great literature!.!.!.well, that's another thing!. For me the movies are much better!.

I'd say the same thing about most of Puzo's other books!. I recommend his 'The Last Don', which I found to be even more crazy than the Godfather!.

His best book, though, is 'The Fortunate Pilgrim!.' It's not a crime novel, but it is well written and much truer to real human emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, obviously the movie was adapted from the book so it is the same story more or less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the book was way better!.!.!.check it put from the library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very close
book is much better, thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com