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Question: Motivation for writing!?!?
I have always wanted to write a book since I was about 8 years old!. Teachers, friends, parents, est!. have told me that I am really good!. I am always coming up with ideas for stories, and I'll write a chapter or two, but then I lose motivation or I just can't keep focused because I come up with more ideas! Does anyone have any tips or tricks for keeping on one story or finding motivation!? The only time I ever found real motivation was when I posted my chapters online, but I don't really want to do that for fear of someone stealing work, ideas, or just plain insulting me for not editing my stuff to the way they want it to be edited!. Any ideas!? Another problem I have is that I have to do everything totally on my own!. So I don't have anything giving me deadlines, and when I make them for myself I have that "Well, it's just a deadline I set!.!.!.I can push it back!. No one is expecting anything," type thing going on!. Ugh, I just need help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can join a writing community that I'm on called Chapteread!.com - they are helpful over there and they give you a bunch of options >>> if you don't want everyone to read your work!.!.!.!.

when you post your work you can choose who you want to read it [ friends only, fans only, or everyone!.] when you receive feedback on your stories you can save the helpful ones and they'll go into your private writing area!. It's helpful for when you go back to writing!.

It's worth the try and Good Luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happens to me all the time!.!. I have a really good plot, characters, setting, everything, I write about the first 25 pages and then, I lose all motivation!. What Ive started to do is set it where I'll see it often, and then after awhile a think, well what could have happened next, then I end up finishing my story, eventually!. The bad thing about this plan of action is that once you start to work on that story, you remember Hey! Ive got like 3 other unfinished stories and then you start to work on them!.!.!.and well, that doesnt turn out so well for the plots, because they start becoming more like one another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just think about how you will feel when you see your book published and in stores!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Immerse yourself into your characters lives!. Pretend you're the main character and think about what they would say or do doing everyday tasks, like bathing or cooking!. Try to imagine going out in public with them, how they would act!. Once you get a little comfortable doing this, imagine if whatever was happening in the plot started happening!. If you come up with a solution, write it down!. Keep a journal of ideas!. Don't ever throw away all of your written chapters as you might get inspiration later on and you'll have something to come back to!.

Good luck with your writing!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com