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Question: I submitted a short story online to the New Yorker!?
I know the chances of me being selected are one in a million or 10 million!. However, I did it anyway!. My manuscript was double spaced in word but it lost it's double space in the body of the email when I sent it!. They request you send manuscripts in the body of an email!. I'm wondering if that will disqualify me!. Should I send a hardcopy via snail mail, or will that just tick somebody at the New Yorker off if they come across both!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No I don't think you'll be disqualified!. You don't need to send a hardcopy!.
Since they're asking to send stories in the body of the E-mail, I guess they know this double space problem!.
But if that makes you feel better call them or E-mail them, explain what has happened and ask them if they need a hardcopy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although for the most part you can write like an adult, I'm assuming there were all kinds of grammatical errors in your manuscript (possessive "its" doesn't have the apostrophe)!. Even if someone reads it, if they see a bunch of errors, they generally won't read past the first page unless your first couple paragraphs are amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com