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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I read an awesome book, but I can't remember the title or author, help pleas

Question: I read an awesome book, but I can't remember the title or author, help please!? Summary below, it's romancy!.!.!.!.
As far as i remember, There are two twins/sisters who look identicle!. One is at their home, but the other works!. in her line of work, she is isolated a lot, and it has something to do about towers!.!.!. A man crashes, a plane, or spaceship, or boat or something, and ends up seeing things!. Seeing the girl who works!. That girl is wearing a thin blue night dress, and is unable to change, even though she's more in her mind now then her body!. The man reaches the home, and sees the other girl, and thinks it is the girl who is trapped, who he'd been seeing!. the man and the trapped woman fall in love, and the other girl falls in love with and marries her cousin, or second cousin I think!?!? The girl who was trapped doesn't like to touch people, so she and her husband don't hug or kiss a lot!. It is a series, and I really love the books, and really want to reread them, so thanks for heping!!*-* And i think the girls had red hair!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Doesn't ring any bells with me either!. If no one here comes up with an answer, a couple of other places you might try posting are:



no sorry i don't recognize it!.

>wish i could help more<3Www@QuestionHome@Com