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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where do you get the books that you read?

Question: Where do you get the books that you read!?
From a friend, Library, bookstore or somewhere else!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i usually get them from the library!. If i really want to read one and the library doesn't have it than i buy it from borders!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When my brother moved out, I took over his room!. It's bigger and has it's own bathroom!. But he left his huge collection of books!. He has over 2000 and he had no room for them in the house he was renting!. So I read most of them!. A lot of them didn't really interest me, because his favourite genre is war novels, in particular world war 2!.
But he had most of the classics, and popular books from the past 20 years or so!.

I also go to the library every few weeks, and every Tuesday (pay day!) I stop by the local bookshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually read books I find in the library, whether it be recommended by a friend or how it looked!. I also often buy books from my local Angus and Robertson, when I have the cash!. I also borrow books from my friends, and am often given them for gifts!. If your looking to buy a certain book, however, I suggest looking for it on ebay!. You usually get it a heck of a lot cheaper that way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A friend gave me 'If god was a Banker' by Ravi Subramanian and 'Trust me' by Rajashree from her little library & said they are good!. Both have been selected for the Golden Quill Awards!. I don't know which author to vote for cause I like both!. If you want to vote, here's the link http://www!.indiaplaza!.in/Goldenquill/Www@QuestionHome@Com

I buy them all!. I own a very large library here in my home!. Personally I like buying at Costco or BJ Warehouse because they have special deals with publishers and sell at about 40% off!. But they don't carry everything so I buy a lot at Barnes and Noble and Amazon!.com!. also I am always on the lookout for first editions of favorite old books and have been known to pay a lot for them!. A section of my library is signed first editions!. You can also often buy brand new books at half!.com very very cheaply!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I go to a local auction!., Just a small affair that sells household goods, furniture etc etc!. They have a mountain of books there and they sell them off at £2 per boxfull, maybe 40-50 books!.

I read these !.!.!. and I've found a few First Editions amongst them too and made a profit - all seems good with my methods thus far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A mixture of the library and bookstores!. Right now just from bookstores though, cuz I'm too cheap to pay my library fine!. It's ironic, because I just spent $20 on books (I fell in love with a used bookstore this weekend!.!.!.) and the fine is only for $10!.!.!.

Oh, and I occasionally borrow books from friends :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i get alot from friendswho are always willing to share, i do not like to get them from the library because often i find another book i want to read and it takes me longer to read it then 2 weeks soo i own or one of my friendsowns almost every book i have read!.!.!.

>hope i helped<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of the above!. The library, used bookstores, friends, the internet (half!.com and amazon), and even the overpriced chain bookstores!. Long story short, I have a lot of books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Internet!. Project Gutenberg has a great deal of books and short stories, as does WikiSource, as do some others!.

As for books that aren't in the public domain, I'd go to the library or the bookstore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not that much of a reader so I get most of my books from the public library!. Occasionally I get books from Borders Bookstore and if the book I need isn't available at the bookstore or the library, I go on amazon!.com and buy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some I get from a friend, most from the library, some from library book sells, thrift stores, and those awesome book stores that will really old books stacked to the ceiling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually I go to the library!. And sometimes, if I really like a book, I'll go to my local B&N and buy a book!. Though, I never read books from my friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If its a series im interested in i hit the library, if i know i want this on my bookshelf; Amazon!.com is the way to go!.!.!.waaaay cheap!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually rent my books from the library (since I tend to read things only once) or if it's a really good read!.!.!.then I purchase it on amazon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com