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Question: Sword in the Stone!?
In this story, the Sword in the Stone, the novel uses a shift in perception to futher the story and relay the messaegs seemed important by the author!. Like, how does the author show a shift in perception!? How does this help further the story!? What do you think we are meant to learn from this!?

Best answer = 10 Points!
Please help, it's for a project, and I don't understand it!.
Pleaseee!. T!.TWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only way you could "not understand it" is if you never read it!.
Arthur as a boy, the Wart, gets turned into various fish, animals, bugs and birds by his tutor Merlyn, and the only way to miss a 'shift in perception' on that level if to never read the story, Part One of The Once and Future King by T!.H!.White!.

ADD: We learn wisdom, patience, loyalty, industry and warfare, and probably more, from the denizens of the animal kingdom in this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

THINK about it!. The wizard changes the boy into other life forms!. He then sees the world from the point of view of that life form!. He also lives in the life form's environment!. If Arthur is destined to be king, and Merlin knows it, Merlin is trying to teach Arthur something by changing him!. Get it!? I'm trying to help you think this through instead of giving you an answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read The Once and Future King in 30 years or more, but I suppose I'd have to agree with LJK!.

As I remember it, Merlin was not terribly subtle about the lessons he wanted Wart to learn from his shape shifting adventures!.


how about a different point of view, as in the narrative is carried by another character's voice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com