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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where can i read the 2ND Death Note online?

Question: Where can i read the 2ND Death Note online!?
Hey- my friend got me totally addicted to Death Note, and she didnt have the 2nd one, and i need to know where i can read it!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you're talking about the 2nd volume of the death note manga!. If you are, here is a link of the death note 2nd volume manga online:


I'm borrowing them from my friend who bought the entire series online!. (It IS amazing, isn't it!? I've never read Japanese comics before, though I'm a big fan of anime!.)

So, you can't read them online (that would be illegal), but if you liked the first one, it really only gets better, and you might as well buy them!. A bookstore should have them!. I remember walking into Borders, once, and seeing a whole section full of anime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try www!.mangafox!.com that's where I find manga that I don't have!.!.!.and it's free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com