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Question: I'm writing an autobiography of my life growing up with asperger's and I need tips, any tips!?
I'm writing an autobiography of my life with asperger's, I'm sixteen and I need tips on how to write this book!. I'm trying to make it JUST as big as J!.K!. Rowling the Harry Potter author!. I plan on REALLY getting my story out there, so maybe I can rise to fame because I have something important to tell the world!. This is a first and ORIGINAL, I'll be the very first teenager with asperger's to tell the world what I went through with it, because I ACTUALLY have it, and have experienced it!. I'm not some boring psychological expert going on and on, and causing people to fall asleep!. I have ACTUALLY lived it, so I GENUINELY know what it is!. Anyways I need tips that are really going to make me a CLASSIC and ORIGINAL american story, any tips!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should definitely read Look Me in the Eye, a book by John Elder Robinson, addressing the same topic!. There's nothing worse than covering a bunch of ground that someone's already covered!.!.!.

That said, after reading the Robinson, you should work to find your own way of talking about it!. But the first step is to read what else is out there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows your life like you do!. If you ACTUALLY have it and you GENUINELY know what it is like, then you should be able to write a book about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

google some writing tips, and its good that you're so enthusiastic, but if you expect so much, you'll only be disapointed!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just tell about experiences in your life that best show how aspergers has made it difficult or maybe even easier in some areas!. tell about what makes you so unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think about the most important moments in your life, the moments that defined you, the moments that hurt you, and, most especially, the moments your are the most proud of!. Those will be the ones you want to make into scenes in your book!. or at least it's a starting place!.

You can pick up some books on creative writing, and on developing a unique writing style!. You may want to practice on writing shorter pieces to get your style down before you really get into your book!. It will probably help to outline the book extensively before you begin anyway, and you can practice and outline at the same time!. Some authors spend months outlining, so don't worry if it takes a while!. Of course, some just zip it out too!. ^^; So go with what works for you!. You can always change it later!.

You can find a writing group, or maybe just a bunch of readers you can trust to be honest with you to read the book as you write it!. It will help a lot to get their feedback!. Don't post in online though, because some people may steal it!. If you want someone to read it online, send it to them through an email or something, so the general public cannot access it!. The biggest thing you'll want from them is to help people who don't know first-hand what you've been through to relate to you and understand you!.

Good luck! Let us know when you get published!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com