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Question: Slow reader!?
Ok I find this really weird!. Since about the end of grade 5/beginning of grade 6 I have been reading at like a 12!.9 level (the highest it can go) but I've always been a slow reader!. I can read fast but I don't enjoy it or really get much out of it because I can't really visulize it when I read fast!. So my (two) questions are A!. Is this unusual!? and B!. What can I do about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A!. This is not unusual because I slow read too!. I never track my reading speed, I read to understand!. I want to fully understand what the hell is going on!. I tend to read slower when it comes to science fiction books!.

B!. I recommend you don't worry about it!.

By the way, check out this article!. http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Slow_readin!.!.!.

Another reason why I slow read too is probably because I'm just a slow paced person in general!. I don't like to rush things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Based on my experience it's how early and how much you read!. I've been reading since i was like two years old!. I thought I was slow and started before kindergarten but my mom has told me i've been learning since i was two (I have practically zero memory of my youth) and have been found reading more often than not!. I'm 18 years old and can just look at a page and go to the next one, basically!. I slow it down nowadays to about maybe 20-30 seconds at most on a page!. Now, I don't read those crappy large font books because they're stupid and I'm at like a college professor reading level when I want to be, intellectual middle aged adult half the time!.

FYI I know it's not a race and I fully understand what I'm reading!.
e!.g!. I was one of the small few who understood the simple "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" novel by JoyceWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's not a competition or a race!. Close-reading is the best way to really get the most out of any piece of writing!. Sure you can comprehend at a fast pace, but the true savoring comes with extra care and time!.

You can tell I'm a slow reader myself!. (Slow reader does not equal slow! ;) )Www@QuestionHome@Com