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Question: Edward Cullen, Mike Newton, or Jacob Black!? (Twilight)!?
Which one do you think will be best for Bella!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
bella should become a vampire and she should be with edward!
jacob could imprint on someone else! edward was there first! mike is too normal for bella she could not live normally after knowing werewolves and vampires!.

maybe you can tell i support the vampires LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen!. Duh, lol!. Mike is too normal to be her boyfriend for this book!. Jacob is way too pushy in my opinion and only wants to be with Bella for his own selfish reasons!. He saw what happened to Bella when Edward left her and Jocob's still pushing for a relationship with her and for Bella to drop Edward!. Bella knows that she likes both of them but she also knows that she can't live (literally) without Edward!. He always wants to her to be happy and keeping her out of danger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually I do not answer questions that are about Twilight because there are so many people who can but I figured I will!. I usually would agreee Edward but so many of you already did!. haha

Jacob!! woot woot He can protect her and make her live on the wild side(which she seems to enjoy)!. I read somewhere that people thought that Twilight was against women!. I do not agree with that but Jacob makes her think and choose for herself!. Edward is so concerned about her safety and having the right thing for her that she can't make mistakes!. Jacob makes her choose!. It is only human for people to make mistakes!.

Edward also left her and how do we know that he won't be so concerned about her that he leaves again!.

On the other hand it should be Edward because we know that without him she is basically dead!. That was the reason she chose to go to Jacob and so without Edward they really wouldnt be a great bond there!. Edward also is always looking out for her safety!. Edward can not imprint on anyone too!.
In the end Jacob and Edward are both good contestants for her to choose!. That is the thing though she has to choose!. Who ever she loves more is the perfect person or thing for her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward because that's who she really wants and can't seem to live without!.

but mike could love her and wouldn't put her in danger since he is a normal person!. and they could lead a happy, normal life!. he's also able to age with her, unlike edward, she wouldn't have to change herself to be with him!.

jacob would be able to protect bella from vampires and other things that are out to kill her as well as not fearing he himself would kill her!. he's also able to age with her, unlike edward, she wouldn't have to change herself to be with him!. in staying with edward, bella gives up being human and all it's joys, like walking in the sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward! I mean Mike is just nice that is all there is to him!. He isn't exciting and daring like Edward is so Bella would get bored when dating him really fast!. Jacob is to agressive and she likes him when he acts like his old self!. He cares about her but shows it in the worst way!. I mean in the last book he said he would stay if she kissed him!. She did that and did he stay!? No, so he also needs to consider her feelings!. I am not going to say though that Edward is perfect!. I mean he did leave her in the second book!. He did come back to her though and now considers her feelings when making a discision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen, because he is so important in her life!. Without him she wouldn't exsist, be the person she is!. You know how it was in New Moon!.

Mike Newton would be okay if she was just a normal human, Bella!. Everyone knows she isn't!.

Jacob Black in Eclispe as you may know is good, and would be good, but nothing compare to Edward!.

I hope I didn't spoil anything if you didn't read New Moon or Eclispe!. Edward Always!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logically, Jacob is the best for her!. He can give her SOOOOO much more than Edward can!. He can give her an enviable human life!. He doesn't take anything from her-- not her friends, her family, not her shot at life!. He can give her more than Edward can give her!. I also happen to like Bella a lot more when she's with Jake-- she annoys the hell out of me when she's with Edward, to be frank!. She is a lot more likable with Jake (IMO)!. I think their personalities mesh better than Edward/Bella's do!. I think she could be happy with Jake in time!. I think Jake is a lot healthier for her too-- she seems like she has an addiction to Edward!. The extent of her need to be with him is kind of unhealthy, IMO!.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I think she'll end up with Edward, because she apparently "can't live without him"!. Logically, Jacob is the best choice!. But for Bella, Edward is the best choice!. She has to be with him!.!.!. she's already dedicated herself to him!. She's already abandoned a human life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen
and where did Mike Newton come from she could never be with him she would trip and not be able to walk and he would be to weak to carry her to the hospital nope she needs someone with superhuman strength like, huh i got it!! Edward Cullen, hes perfect!.
as far as jacob goes the only good thing about him is that he is super strong so he culd protect her from other people, but he himself would hurt her if he got to mad so he is all wrong for her!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mike Newton is nothing and would never have a chance at starting anything even if he killed Edward and Jacob with his bare hands!. He sucks!.

I think that Jacob would be best for Bella in her human life, but she's already abandoned that path!.

!.!.!.!.So I pick Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Jacob is the safer choice for Bella cos it seems that Bella is obsessed with Edward like a drug and that ain't healthy!. But love isn't logical so I want her to stay with Edward!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward!!!!!!!!!. I think Jacob would be good but he can't really control his temper!. He could kill her so easily!. Edward could to but he has had more practice and she will be a vampire soon!. She can't live with out Edward!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward!!!!!!!! He would do anything for her and hes sooo awesome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

EDWARD <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen (that doesnt mean i like him better then jacob)

I LOVEE JACOB!.!.!.!! "/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen ?

Bella knows she cant live without EdwardWww@QuestionHome@Com