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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Name the title and author of this book?

Question: Name the title and author of this book!?
It was about a man who died and was reincarnated to an earlier point in his life!. This kept happening again and again, each time being reincarnated to a later point in his life!. He invested lots of money in IBM and also tried to save JFK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe Replay by Ken Grimwood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Replay" by Ken Gromwood
http://www!.amazon!.com/Replay-Ken-Grimwoo!.!.!. Winston, a failing 43-year-old radio journalist, dies and wakes up in his 18-year-old body in 1963 with his memories of the next 25 years intact!. He views the future from the perspective of naive 1963: "null-eyed punks in leather and chains !. !. !. death-beams in orbit around the polluted, choking earth !. !. !. his world sounded like the most nightmarish of science fiction!." But Grimwood has transcended genre with this carefully observed, literate and original story!. Jeff's knowledge soon becomes as much a curse as a blessing!. After recovering from the shock (is the future a dream, or is it real life!?), he plays out missed choices!. In one life, for example, he falls in love with Pamela, a housewife who died nine minutes after Jeff; they try to warn the world of the disasters it faces, coming in conflict with the government and history!. A third replayer turns out to be a serial killer, murdering the same people over and over!. Jeff and Pamela are still searching for some missing part of their lives when they notice they are returning closer and closer to the time of their deaths, and realize that the replays and their times together may be coming to an end!."

If you find out, edit your question with the title because it sounds interesting and I'd like to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it sounds familiar but i can't quite remember the nameWww@QuestionHome@Com

i would olve to know it sounds greatWww@QuestionHome@Com