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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need a LOOOONG fantasy series to read?

Question: I need a LOOOONG fantasy series to read!?
I have read (and enjoyed) The Wheel of Time, The Sword of Truth, Green Rider, The Name of the Wind, Fortress in the Eye of Time, The Seafort Saga, His Majesty's Dragon and Cordelia's Honor to name but a few!.

I prefer fantasy to sci-fi but either will do, mainly I am looking for a series that will take me a while to get through (I read fast and for long periods of time) I find that I have enjoyed most books that Anne Mccaffrey has given a good review to!.

PS: Harry Turtledove, J!.K!. Rowlings, Stephen R!. Donaldson and Terry Brooks are out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have very similar tastes to my own, so I can guarantee you'll enjoy all of these:

Cordelia's Honor is the foundation novel in the best SF series ever written (IMNSHO)!. You simply must read the rest of The Vorkosigan Saga - every one is brilliant! Of all of the suggestions, this is my personal favorite!.

Read the rest of the Temeraire books - isn't he the most amazing character!? The books go from strength to strength over the next 3 and there's a new one due out next week!.

You'll love the Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey!. There are heaps of them!. I think the best order to read them in would be to start with The Black Gryphon, then the Heralds of Valdemar Arrows trilogy, followed by The Last Herald Mage Trilogy, The Mage Winds trilogy, The Mage Storms trilogy and the Owl trilogy!. Then go back and fill in the gaps!. The order suggested jumps around a bit in time, but for various reasons that will become apparent, it will work best!.

The Obsidian Saga trilogy by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory is brilliant!. The first book in a related trilogy was released recently and it's just as good!.

The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E Feist!. Start with Magician - another brilliant series!.

The Hythrun Chronicles and The Demon Child trilogy by Jennifer Fallon!. Read them in that order even though they were published the other way around!.

Last but not least, have you read Mistborn and The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson!? They're the first books in an as yet incomplete series and are excellent!.
Of particular interest is that Sanderson is currently writing 'A Memory of Light' which is book 12, the final volume in the Wheel of Time series!. Robert Jordan left copious notes, chapter outlines and hours of audio for his successor and Sanderson will do an excellent job of finishing the series and maintaining its integrity!.

PS: I agree with your PS - don't like any of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series has fantasy elements and he has a lot of books!.

Douglas Adams "Hitchhikers" series and Robert Aspirin's "Myth" series are also suggestions!.

Marion Zimmer Bradley has an Avalon series starting with "Mists of Avalon!."

To the above commenter, Fall of Atlantis is an omnibus of Web of Light and Web of Darkness put together in '87 and is the entire Atlantean series!. Mists was written in '79 and is the first written in the Avalon series!. And the series is not complete, Sword of Avalon will be out in 2009

EDIT- I really didn't like Twilight, I only managed the first book!. I'm not planning on the other two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you read the Riftwar Saga by Raymond E!. Feist!? I read it years ago, but I remember loving it!. ^^ I don't remember how long it is though!.

And this doesn't quite qualify (since he doesn't have a long series, or even that many books published yet), but I would recommend anything by Brandon Sanderson, the guy finishing the Wheel of Time!. He's actually really good!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, since you don't approve of JK Rowling's Harry Potter!. I propose Stephenie Meyer's Twilight!. It has three books the fourth one coming out in August!. Not as long as you described but its good!. Another one is CS Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia!. I don't seem to think it as childish!. It has a ton of fantasy and adventures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would recommend Anne McCaffrey!. Her series is about a planet named pern and includes somewhat sci fi and dragons, but in a realistic approace!. great series and It is many books long!. I've only read about 7!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King, starts with The Gunslinger, 7 books in the series and a spin off book, Eyes of the Dragon, its a great book to read, I loved it and have read it 3 times!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try the Redwall series by Brian Jacques!. There are almost 20 books in this fantasy series!. Here is a link to information about the series:


you HAVETO HAVETO HAVETO read twilight it gets you hooked!! also the host is good to all of theses books are from stephenie meyerWww@QuestionHome@Com

TWILIGHT SERIES!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may like Twilight, it's 3 books right now, book 4 is out in August!. Its a fantasy/Romance with Vampires and WerewolvesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!.first off!.!.try Tolkien!.!.!. if youve read those and have a sense of humor!.!.!.try the Piers Anthony "Xanth" books!.!.!.!.he wrote about 20 of them!.!.!.they are kind of goofy !.!.but very amusing!.!.!.!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try anne rice's books :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about Diana Wynne Jones!? she has the Dalemark quartet, which i've read several times!. really great, also, a bit dark, the Chronicals of Chrestomanci volumes 1 and 2 and then Conrad's fate (that's 5 books all together)!. I wouldn't suggest Howl's castle, just a little cheesy, She's also got a tale of time city, and several other single books!. also, its a bit kiddish, but the circle of magic is really good, (4 books) then the sequel to that series is The circle opens, also 4 books!. Those are Written by Tamora Pierce!. some of her stuff is pretty, well not great, but these 8 are really nice!. Those are the longest series i can think of!. I haven't read them yet but you may also try the Left Behind series I know its not fantasy, but really long!. I've heard good things too!.


You could consider looking into George R!.R!. Martin's fantasy books/series!. I have actually never read Martin's works (yet), but my dad and many others I have spoken to do enjoy Martin's fantasy novels!. I have been told that Martin's books are great epic tales!. His most popular series is called A Song of Ice and Fire!. I believe that series is projected to have 7 main books in it!. Right now four of the books are out, I believe, and the next one is supposed to come out in perhaps the next year!. And Martin also has many other novels and collections of works to keep you busy, even if they aren't in series!.

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really "high fantasy", but as a fantasy reader I've enjoyed the Avalon series by Marion Zimmer Bradley!. There are at least 7 books out, but I'd have to count!.

ETA: A reviewer below me states Mists of Avalon is the first this is incorrect!. Fall of Atlantis was the first written!. Mists may have been the second, but after Ravens (Maybe Ancestors) came out the series has reached completion and Mists is chronologically LAST in the cycle!.

Meh, I'm not gonna argue it!. That was my understanding from the woman who rec'ed me the series!. Obviously the compilation came later, but the original Atlantis books, no longer sold (to my understanding), were her first novels!. Although I have yet to finish Fall, it is my understanding Ancestors links the two cycles!. As I said I don't really want to argue it, after all we are rec'ing the same books, thus--peace!.

But a new nook HAPPINESS! -goes off to find a preorder site- (Last edit I swear!)

ETA (again): Fall of Atlantis (last I checked, about last October) is out of print!. I was lucky and found it in a used book shop!. Amazon might have a few used copies as well!.

Although I haven't read them I have heard good things about the Darkover series by the same author!. (looks like 20+ books from a quick search)

Any of Trudi Canavan's works are excellent!. She had two trilogies (The Black Magician Trilogy and the Age of Five trilogy) There is also a prequel to BMT comming out sometime this year!.

also the Ghatti's Tale Trilogy by Gale Greeno was pretty good as were the two follow up books in the Ghatten's Gambit cycle!. Each of the five books are quite long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com