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Position:Home>Books & Authors> OK, did I make a collosal goof, or not? Has anyone here ever heard of PublishAme

Question: OK, did I make a collosal goof, or not!? Has anyone here ever heard of PublishAmerica!?!?
I had my first novel published with Publish America!.!.!.
Since then, I've heard some really bad things about this company, and I'm wondering if I may have made a mistake!.
It is incredibly hard for a first time author to break into print, and I thought this would be a good thing, but it hasn't been!. The book is very good (everyone who has read it who has given me an opinion, except one guy who actually sent me a death threat, loves it)!.
Someone who has had some experience publishing please give me some feedback, so I know what I ought to do now!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Did you have to pony up some money of your own to this publishing company!? If you didn't, why worry!? If you did, maybe you're worried you're going to have to pay more; and that the book won't be properly marketed!.

What's the name of the book!?

Additional: I'm curious!. Where is the "scam" when it's simply a book that has been published!? I see the cover of the book, and it looks like it was put together professionally, blah blah blah!. It looks good from my end!. What's this Publish America been doing that is so bad!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can you say this phrase!.!.!."Would you like to Super-Size that!?" cause your fledgling career as an "Author" has begun and ended with the infamous Publish America or as we in the industry refer to them "Rubbish America"!.!.!.!.!.!.they have ruined many the creative minds!.!.!.!.some grievous errors are impossible to extricate ones self from!.!.!.!.I truly believe this will be another case and point!.!.!.!.sorry!. But on the bright side you still have Yahoo! Answers!.!.!.!.everytime you ask or answer a query!.!.!.!.consider yourself to be published to the world, take it where you can get it, Kiddo!.-TripodWww@QuestionHome@Com