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Question: Should i even bother writing the rest of my story!?

i am writing a book for this contest, and im gonna show you what i have written so far!. i need honest opinions on it, and DIRECT answers to the question above!. does it capture your interest at all!? is it funny!? could you see it on the shelves of a bookstore!? and any extra comments would be appreciated as well!. BUT PLEASE NO RUDE COMMENTS! be straightforward, not rude please!. thanks<3

okay heres the story [it doesnt have a title yet, so if after you read it, and you think of a title, let me know and you might get best answer!]

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom lived a beautiful princess!.!.!.oh who am i kidding!. life hasn't been too peachy lately!. i just got replaced from my job as head editor in one of the most well respected magazine offices on account of, "plagarizing" another magazines illustration!.

[rest of the story is coming; please no cmnts yet!]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm sorry to say this, but your heroine isn't too bright!. How would she end up as the managing editor (not the "head editor") of a "well respected magazine" if she didn't know that stealing someone else's art was plagiarism!?

That was my first problem!.

You do tend to write in run-on sentences, which makes the story difficult to follow!. Please, for the love of little apples, punctuate and capitalize properly!.

I know you think it's just a bunch of useless rules, but poor grammar makes for a terrible reading experience!. Please put some effort into learning those rules!. Once you know them, you can start to tweak them for emphasis or style, but writing like this makes it seem as though you didn't know them in the first place!.

I'm not a chick-lit reader, so it's really not my preferred genre, but the few suggestions I gave aren't to do with genre, they're to do with good, solid writing!.

I do hope that you continue writing, though!. Everything I mentioned is a skill that you can learn as you write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So what!? You're gonna scrap what you have if we all said it was bad!? That doesn't sound right!. Whether or not you want to finish the story should depend on YOU, not according to other people's opinions!. I'm saying this because you do have something worth finishing here, and it would be a shame if you stopped due to low confidence!. Nothing's perfect the first time through!.

I think you just need to clean up what you have here--punctuation-wise especially!. You left out apostrophes, and in some places there should be commas!. also, your sentences are a bit cluttered!.

Like, "i just got replaced from my job as head editor in one of the most well respected magazine offices on account of, "plagarizing" another magazines illustration!." That's a lot to say in one breath!. You could say, "I just got replaced as head editor from one of the most well-respected magazine offices!. On account of what!? 'Plagiarizing' another magazine's illustration!." That flows a bit better, don't you think!? We already know that a head editor is an occupation, so you don't have to say the obvious to the readers--we're not stupid!.

Good luck on your contest-thing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's quite nice!. I think you should clean it up a little though, in terms of grammar and order of words!. I would continue reading it--the plot seems nice--but only if the words were less blurry!.

I can't really say anything about the title yet, since this is just the introduction and I don't know much of the main theme yet!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry if this comes across as rude but this story is pretty lame!. It didn't really make me want to keep reading!. I couldn't exactly relate to it!. I also didn't really like the whole narration thing, because the character made the story sound even more lame with her two cents here and there!. Quite honestly if I picked this off the shelves and read the first page I would put it back!. We still don't really have a conflict!. We already know what is going to happen to her husband, she already told us!. There isn't really a good conflict that needs to be resolved, or even makes me wonder how things could go and which way I would want it to!. Again, sorry if this comes across as rude, but I mean it purely as criticism, which you would have to deal with a lot when you publish something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's good but you jump into it pretty quickly!. You might want to add a few lines after "Life hasn't been too peachy lately"!. Honestly, I think it's interesting, but even if other people don't think it is, who cares!? You should finish it because you want to and you'll have the satisfaction of finishing it!.!.!.if you write it, some people are bound to like it!. Don't care so much about what other people think!.!.!.the only opinion that matters is yours!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well its kinda more like ranting about her life than an actual story!.

personally, i'd rather go for once upon a time story cause that's just the kind of books i read, but if you're story has a good plot to it you might as well go with it cause i love it when authors talk like they're actual people, not just machines telling a story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First point: When I'm looking for a good book to read, I browse the blurbs on the back, not the first pages!. Now matter how good the opening of your book is, if you want people to read it, write a snappy summary that basically outlines your main plot without giving too much detail!.

From one author to another: Your opening is not too bad!. Humour is always a good way to get someone reading on for more!. From what you've provided, this sounds like a Sophie Kinsella-style story, which is great, because she's one of my favourite authors!. But the flow needs a little work, and if you don't find a way to gently introduce your narrator early in, you're going to alienate the audience!. Just a name is enough for the first few paragraphs - maybe one of her co-workers could ask her a question halfway through her silent rant!. The spelling and grammar needs work - if this is for a contest you might want someone to look through for mistakes, perhaps a family member or teacher!.

Rather than continuing to post no more than a few paragraphs on the net at a time for feedback, here's what you can do!. Write out a whole chapter, regardless of how good or bad you think it is!. Find a writers' forum and look for someone there willing to look over your chapter for advice!. Be prepared for criticism - not because your work is necessarily bad, but because writers get criticised however good they are!. (Look at J!.K!. Rowling!.)

Here is a very important pointer: when using the net to discuss your novel!? BE CAREFUL OF PLAGIARISERS!. When asking someone to give feedback on your first chapter, I would recommend asking someone on the NaNoWriMo forums!. Alternatively you could post the beginning of your story on FictionPress!.Com and see what sort of response you get!. Just be careful, some people give deilberately mean feedback just to get a kick out of hurting people!. If you get a review like that, report it straight away!. Both of those sites, FP and NNWM, have strict rules about plagiarising and I've heard come down hard on those that steal other people's work!.

Good luck with your story! If you need any more advice, send me a private message!.Www@QuestionHome@Com