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Question: Love letters!?
I'm writing a story about this girl who writes a love letter, But the only problem is I, as the author, don't know what to put in a love letter!. What would you write in a love letter to someone!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Here are some simple guidelines that can help!.

1!. Presentation!. Use beautiful stationery (a neutral, soft color, such as cream or white) and a flair pen with black or brown ink--no blues, greens or reds! Remember, your Love Letter is being written to someone special!. Hand-written letters are best!. This is personal--you are not writing a business letter!

2!. Ambience!. Go to a secluded place and put on soft, romantic music!. A quiet room would be nice!. Dim the lights!. Stimulate a romantic mood!.

3!. Keepsake!. Date your Love Letter (month, day, year)!. This is a letter that will be treasured and remembered!. You can bet that it will be read over and over and safeguarded in a special place!.

4!. Greeting!. Choose an endearing salutation!. Don't be formal!. Use you love's first name!. For example: "My dearest Jennifer !. !. !." or "My darling Matt !. !. !."

5!. Beginning!. Start your Love Letter by telling your beloved your reasons for writing!. For instance: "I have lain awake many sleepless nights trying to compose words that might adequately describe the feelings of my heart!. But every time I have made the attempt, I have failed miserably!. Please forgive my poor effort and accept a trite and simple phrase: I love you!. I think I can say it no better than that !. !. !. !." Never insult your beloved's feelings or belittle yourself by saying something like: "I know you probably don't feel this way," or "You must think I'm crazy!." If you are timid in your Love Letter, your attempt at conveying heartfelt words will fall flat and might be misunderstood!.

6!. Body!. The body of the Love Letter should include reasons for why you fell in love!. Here are some ideas:

-recall when you fell in love with him/her
-explain how your life has changed for the better
-describe how much you miss your love when you're apart
-explain that you can't imagine life without him/her
-list some of the many things you have in common
-tell how wonderful and complete he/she makes you feel
-recall some special moments you've shared together
-mention times you've picked him/her out of a crowd
-list qualities that set him/her apart from everyone else

Avoid being casual, too light-hearted, or openly erotic!. A Love Letter is a letter of respect that coveys deep, difficult-to-express feelings!. Don't discount the impact of poetry in place of, or in addition to, your words!. Maybe your beloved has a favorite author or poet!. It will be seen as a compliment if you take the time to quote someone he/she admires!. Be sure to give proper credit where it's due!. Don't forget the Internet is a great place to find that poem or song you are trying to quote!

Be real!. Your Love Letter should be a carefully crafted work of art, but it also needs to sound sincere!. You want your Love Letter to make your beloved fall in love, not fall into laughter!. Be confident as you express your emotions, dreams, and vulnerability!.

7!. Closing!. End your Love Letter with carefully worded prose: "There, I have said it!. I can rest now!. And as I dream, I will dream of you!." Make your closing upbeat and positive!.

8!. Valediction!. Don't just end with: "Love, Eric!." Even if you said, "All my love," it would be better!. You become even more romantic by writing something like: "Dream of me, my love !. !. !. !." What you want is a simple, yet heartfelt goodbye: "With undying love," or "Forever yours!." Remember, you may think this is too sappy, but your loved one will treasure each word!. Be prepared to have it quoted to you in years to come!.

11!. Be expressive!. Here are some popular words to use in your Love Letter: angel, angelic, lover, giving, alluring, tempting, sensual, sensuality, seeing, tasting, touching, holding, caressing, memories, memorable, darling, gorgeous, absence, velvet, voyage, beautiful, vision, elation, blossoms, happy, kisses, innocent, passion, dreaming, delirious, temptation, complete, desire, content, embrace, rainbow, rose, adoring, stars, privileged, heart!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i did that once, then threw it out coz i didn't like it!. In a love letter you put what the person means to you, think of the first time you thought u where in love and write what you felt then thats all i did, but i didn't like it coz i'm not a slushy gushy person when writing but that all i can say!. Think of the frist time you where in love and write what you felt in the love letterWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the real question is, What would *your character* put in a love letter!?

Is she the type to go out searching for lovely stationery!? Or would she rip a page out of her binder!? Would she doodle frilly art along the margins, or would she print in all caps!?

Would she really call him My darling!? Or My love!? Or would just call him by his name!?

Think of this as a character building exercise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!. depends if you want it to be long or short!. Do you want it to reveal the identity of the sender!? Do you want to stay a secret and see if they can figure it out!? Do you want to play it down the line of 'I have known you forever but do you know me!?' kind of thing!? Or would you rather say 'I know you think you know me, but there is more than meets the eye'!? You could put little sayings like 'The only reason I have built these walls is to see if you care enough about me to break them down' or 'The only way I smile is if I look into your eyes'!.
Answer these questions and if that doesn't help, e-mail me at the_only_laurenj@yahoo!.com

God bless =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

how much you love them, how much they mean to me, how you want to spend every moment together, that kind of thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my feelings :">Www@QuestionHome@Com