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Question: Story like The Secret Garden!?
I was wondering if anyone knew the story/movie i am thining of!. Its about a girl who ends up in an orphanage and befriends a boy who is a chimney sweep!. Im not too clear on the rest of the story but i remember it being similar to that of the secret garden!.

It not much to go by but if anyone has any clue to the story it would be much appreciatedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know, your description sounds right to me, but I am wondering if the kid she befriends is a girl servant!. If thats true you may be thinking of "a little princess"!. Delightful story!.


Well, 'The Water Babies' by charles Kingsley has a chimney sweep called Tom who accidentally comes out of a chimney into the room of a little girl called Ellie, who befriends him!. then he runs away because he is mistaken for a thief (actually his employer is the thief) and he falls in the river and has a lot of magical adventures before being restored to the human world, where I think he is possibly adopted by Ellie's parents!. I would not say the book is very like The Secret Garden though so it is probably not the one you are thinking of!.

'A Little princess' which is also by Frances Hodgson Burnett (the author of The Secret Garden) is about a very rich girl who is sent to school, where she makes friends with a poor put upon servant girl!. Then the rich girl loses all her money and is put to work as a servant herself!. Eventually her wealth is restored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm frustrated because I think I know the book that you're looking for but I cannot bring it to mind right now!.

As a consolation prize I would like to offer the following title:
Mandy by Julie Andrews!.

It is always being compared to The Secret Garden because of its similar themes, but it is a truly wonderful book in its own right!. I read it over and over when I was a kid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com