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Question: Teen girl books 16+!? (no 'gossip girl' please)!?
im 16 and i want to read something with a little more depth!. im looking for a book that i will seriously remember and enjoy!.
i like lighthearted, funny, romantic, adventurous, etc books!.
im not really into the dark mysterious stuff!.
anyone have any suggestions for a good read!?
other than twilight, gossip girls, a-list, "cliques", those kinds!.
i like sarah dessen, nicholas sparks, etc!.

thank you so much :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here are some of my favorites:

Neil Gaiman is an amazing author! Any of his books are good!. Try Neverwhere, Stardust or Coralinee!.

Edgar Allen Poe is a really good author!. Check out his poems and short stories!.

William Shakespeare is good too!.

Any books by Scott Westernfeld or Neal Shusterman are really good too!.

Any books by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes are amazing! There is In The Forest of The Night, Demon In My View, Shattered Mirror, Midnight Predator!. And then there is the The Kiesha'ra series: Hawksong (the best in the series!), Snakecharm, Falcondance, Wolfcry and Wyverhail!.

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly

Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause

How To Kill A Rock Star by Tiffanie Debartolo

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

13 Little Blue Envelopes and Girl At Sea by Maureen Johnson

Abarat by Clive Barker, Make sue you get the hardcover version though!!! If you liked the first one be sure to check out the next book in the series Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War!.

Daughters of Destiny series: Keeper of the Winds by Jenna Solitaire, If you enjoyed the first one check out the next three books in the series!. Keeper of the Waters, Keeper of the Flames and Keeper of the Earth!.

The Abhorsen Trilogy (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) by Garth Nix

The Maximum Ride series (The Angel Experiment, Schools Out Forever, Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, The Final Warning) by James Patterson

His Dark Materials trilogy (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) by Philip Pullman

A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels and The Far Sweet Thing by Libba Bray

The Riddles of Epsilon by Christine Morton-Shaw

The Cry of the Icemark by Stuart Hill

The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding

Inkheart and Inkspell and Inkdeath (coming soon!) by Cornelia Funke

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

Holes by Louis Sanchar

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass

The Morganville Vampire series (Glass Houses, Dead Girls Dance, Midnight Alley and Feast of Fools) by Rachel Cain

The Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini

The Chronicles of Narnia (7 books) by C!.S!. Lewis

The Hobbit by J!.R!.R!. Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J!.R!.R!. Tolkien

Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

The Secret Under My Skin by Janet McNaughton

Harry Potter series by J!.K!. Rowling

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

Uglies series by Scott Westernfeld

The Wind Singer, Slaves of the Mastery and Firesong by William Nicholson

Define “Normal” by Julie Ann Peters

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous

The Sight and Fell by David Clement-Davies

The Prophecy of the Stones by Flavia Bujor

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

Wake by Lisa McMann

Old Magic by Marianne Curley

Thieves Like Us and Thieves Till We Die by Stephen Cole

The Alex Rider series (starting with Stormbreaker) by Anthony HorowitzWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love Meg Cabot (Heather Wells & Queen of Babble) and Sophie Kinsella's (Shopaholic [soon to be movie] & Remember Me) Emily Giffin (Something Borrowed & Something Blue, Baby Proof) books!. I am in the process of reading Jennifer Weiner's (Good In Bed & Certain Girls) books!. They are all great authors!

For a young adult/teen Meg Cabot's young adult books!. She is the best author!. also best selling!. She wrote tons of books including the Princess Diaries (Movies based on her books), Mediator (upcoming movie), 1-800-Missing (TV show based on her books), Jinx, Airhead and more!. She has adult books too, so you can grow with her!.

If you want more info or any of the authors website's email me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks is just plain out amazing!. Its about julie who lives her life after her husbanf=d dies!. She meets a guy, i believe his name is Richard, and she starts dating him and she learns that hes not who she thought he was!. It's great it is very suspensefull

Other good books by Nicholas Spparks include A Walk to remember and Notebook, The wedding, Nights in Rodanthe, A bend in the Road,

Jane Austen is amazing too!. You should read pride and Prejudice

Lurlene McDaniels is really good in romance

I hope you read the twilight series and if you did and you didnt like it sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com

O i think Sarah Dessen is amazing!.
I havent got many recommendations and was looking at your question coc i'm looking for simular suggestions!.
I saw someone recomended Meg Cabot which is a bit girly i think for you and really not well written!. I also saw someone recomended How i Live Now which i have read and think is a great book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host by Stephenie Meyer, it sounds kinda stupid but its really great!.

Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy!. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged!. Most of humanity has succumbed!.

When Melanie, one of the few remaining "wild" humans is captured, she is certain it is her end!. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too vivid memories!. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind!.

Wanderer probes Melanie's thoughts, hoping to discover the whereabouts of the remaining human resistance!. Instead, Melanie fills Wanderer's mind with visions of the man Melanie loves—Jared, a human who still lives in hiding!. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she has been tasked with exposing!. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are some really good books that I've read and thoroughly enjoyed:

-the Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud (SOOO HILARIOUS!!!)*****
-the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Coffer*
-The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen(any book by her)
-Hawksong(series) by Amelia At-water Rhodes
-The Shannara series by Terry Brooks*
-Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
-Watership Down by Richard Adams
-Great Expectations by Charles Dickens*
-Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter
-The Counte of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas*
-The Princess Bride by William Goldman*

*'s are the ones I really REALLY recommend for anyone to read!!!
For you, I definately suggest The Princess Bride and then, possibly, The Counte of Monte CristoWww@QuestionHome@Com

how i live now - meg rossof
anything by sarah dessen is amazing ;)
i capture the castle - dodie smith ) AMAZZZING BOOK!
The catcher in the rye - j!.d salinger (not v lighthearted though)
All American Girl / Read or not - Meg Cabot
Bergdorf Blondes - Plum Sykes

If you search for you fave book on amazon, it usually comes up with similiar ones, Ive found loads of ace ones through there :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

If your looking for something a little different and more obscure I'd recommend Misfortune!. It's full of twists and turns but you must be mature and open minded to read it!.

Otherwise I recommend Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, and Peony in Love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com




extras by scott westerfield
at first they seem stupid a world where every 16yr old ius pretty
way too superficial but after a coupl of chapters it gets interesting 9they should be titled way differently)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I only have ONE answer!.

The Confessions of Georgia Nicholson by Louise rennison!.

So funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before I Die by Jenny Downham is a great read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger!. i garenteeWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Last LectureWww@QuestionHome@Com