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Question: I'm writing a fantasy series!. How can I get the multiple quests to not become repetitive!?
I'm writing a fantasy series, and I'm aiming for a total of about 500K words!. So, it is a bit long!. I realized that our heroes do a lot of searching!.!.!.you know!.!.!.for places!.!.!.different places!. It is expected in a fantasy series of course!. It is not like LotR where they go on one quest!. There are several!. All of them are important to the plot!. Still, they search for 5 different things/places in this series!. It just seems like a lot!.

Now you're probably thinking that I could just have less searching for things and more of!.!.!.well!.!.!.other things!. Well the truth is, I already do!. Like I said, the searching is important to the plot!. So how can I keep these little quests from becoming repetitive!? I know there's the obvious stuff!. I mean like!.!.!.going through different places like a desert place, a snow place, an island, etc!. The problem I have with this is that it's starting to sound like a video game, which is what I wanted to avoid!. So, what do you think of all this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It looks like someone asked Orson Scott Card a similar question about 8 years ago!. Here's the link:


About halfway through, they start talking about your problem, and even the video game aspect!. I hope it's helpful!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it sounds like a really interesting story! I'd definately read it!
Maybe you should stop writing your story, and just sit down and write things that are going to happen in each book!. Make it original and unique!. You need to have a solid plot in each book so you don't accidently repeat something in another!. Wait, I just thought of something! Is it starting to sound like Zelda!? With desert, snow, and such places it just made me think of Zelda!. Just think of ways to make the book different, but still the same!. Try changing it up just a little bit, but not enough to mess up your plot!. You don't want to be sued for plagiarism or anything!. I think that it would be an awesome book and don't lose hope!
I hope I get to read your wonderful books one day!
Good luck, and remember, just have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To avoid making it sound like a video game, maybe add in some other sub-plots!. You could find a way to work in some tragedy, a romance, a betrayal between some of the characters, etc!. Maybe one character betrays another and goes off with a bunch of bad guy cronies-- so then the two groups have to race to the other places to get the things from the quests before the others!. Maybe one of the quest locations harbors some dark secret from one of the character's past!. Perhaps the group gets to one of the quest locations to find whatever it is they are after, only to discover that the evil guy in the book/some random person has already taken it!.

Haha!. Maybe those are stupid suggestions!. What I'm saying is, come up with some sub-plots or twists!. It could help keep it interesting and not make it so "video gameish"!.

Sounds like an awesome idea though! I hope it all works out for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com