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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am trying to find the title to a childrens book from the 1980's?

Question: I am trying to find the title to a childrens book from the 1980's!?
I am trying to find out the title of a childrens book from the 1980's!. I can remeber a few things about this book from my childhood and no one in my family can remember the title!. What I remember is there was a character named Kandoo(spelling) who comes to help a kid conquer his fears!. It is not the Kandoo Kangaroo books!. I believe the illustrations have Kandoo looking like a person!. If anyone knows the title or knows where I might search for this book I would really appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I Used to Be Afraid by Sally Hudson McMillan!. Don Robison is the illustrator and the little girl is named Sara!. Her imaginary friend is Kandu!.

There's a brief description here:

is it!?!?:

The Kandoo Klub in the Promise by Marcia A!. Neese (Hardcover - Jun 1986)

found it on amazon!.com

hope this helps

lol ooops i just did a random search!.!.!. i apologize!.!.!. good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure about Kandoo, but it reminds me of my favorite childhood book, "There's a Monster at the end of This Book" featuring lovable old Grover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no clue!? sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com